Zoom featured image within post

Hello, I would like to know if there is an option to zoom in the featured image within the post.


  • edited April 2017
     I also have the similar question, but first to you.
    1/ at your link the feature image has slide zoom option.  and? the question is....
    2/ global ( how does it looks like) options here: Betheme options>global>general>image frame> style
    3/ you can allow or not zoom in posts here: Betheme options> Blog, Portfolio & Shop >Blog> Single Post> Zoom image

    And what I want to ask:
    HOW TO DISABLE ANY ANIMATIONS in Single Post page?
    Often - customer wants to read there, and those transition effect when the cursor hover the image... not needed. Sure - I can write the css rule, but may be in Options? Did not find
  • Hi,
    Sorry but we do not have such an option avalible. Only css
  • ок, thanks!
  • edited April 2017
    Thanks Dino, i had figured it out but thx anyway
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