BeTheme - Change background colours and effects

edited May 2017 in Theme support
Sorry, code is pasting really weird and I don't know why. It seems to be generating something? Can't see a paste code option?

Just read from #grad{until closing bracket}  (I've commented out to try and make more readable)

I want to change the background to use a different colour and gradient

For instance, I would like to use code like this (from w3schools). But I cannot find the correct bit of css in the theme stylesheet which I should be customising.
Can anyone help and give me css snippet I should be editing for the global background?

/*#grad {

    background: red; /* For browsers that do not support gradients */

    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(red, yellow); /* For Safari 5.1 to 6.0 */

    background: -o-linear-gradient(red, yellow); /* For Opera 11.1 to 12.0 */

    background: -moz-linear-gradient(red, yellow); /* For Firefox 3.6 to 15 */

    background: linear-gradient(red, yellow); /* Standard syntax */


Ignore additional code below here


  • Hello,
    You can set this code in theme options>custom css&js>css
    I do not thing this code will work. I like to use this generator:
    If you want the background to appear, you need to either append it to the HTML or the BODY.
    If you will run into some trouble, plese send a link to your page.
  • Hi

    thank you. I know where to put the code. 

    But don't I need a class name or something? Or the whole block of css currently in use for the background so I can add the necessary lines for the colour and gradient?

    I've inspecting the css but I haven't managed to work out which bit i need.

  • Yes, you probably need class or something but because you did not left any further explanation, nor any link to page with more details of what you would like to do, we don't know what we are talking about exactly.
  • edited May 2017
    I want to add a gradient coloured background to all pages. I'm using the betheme. 
    I have successfully added box shadows using custom css classes for instance.
    But that is easy because I can set the class on the element on the page I want to change using VC

    How to I customize the class for global page format settings? I need to know the name that this class has

    Can you please provide the css from the betheme stylesheets which is responsible for global page format settings, so I can change once the background colour and add a gradient? I'm having trouble finding it because I'm still fairly new to this.

    I need to this so I can customise and add code discussed before (for color/gradient) to the custom css section, in themes -> betheme options -> custom css.

    Hope that makes sense? It's nothing to do with the site I am making, I need help from the people who made the theme to tell me what css class in the theme's own stylesheets needs customising to change the background for all pages.

    Unless I am misunderstanding the process for changing something like this?

    Thank you
  • Hi,
    It is not a universal code for every 250+ pre-built website. We need a link to your website to see how the code is set up and target the proper class.
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