
I just found the BeOnePage demo online.  I am confused, this a Muffin Group theme?  Is it separate from BeTheme?  Could you tell me how to make my BeStore portfolio's hover function look like BeOnePage's portfolio?



  • Hi,
    This is the list of our pre-built websites. All of them are included with the theme.
    You only install the pre-built websites from your wordpress.
  • Okay, thank you!  Could you tell me how the BeOnePage's portfolio hover information is coded so I can replicate that on my BeStore website?  

    Thank you!
  • If you want to have the same hover effect, please go to theme options>global and under the image frame section select the style you want.
  • I did go to this section and I am not clear on which options duplicate the same hover effect of BeOnePage's portfolio images.  Could you please tell me the options I need to select to achieve this effect and if there is any CSS I need to apply as well?  Thank you.

  • Hi,
    See the screenshoot,
    Set it there. If you do not know which one, test it.
  • I must be missing something or maybe my portfolio is set up wrong.  When I test the image frame options you supplied a screenshot for, nothing changes (all options).

  • I figured out why my image frame changes were not affecting my portfolio page, however, none of the options create the hover effect in the BeOnePage portfolio.  Is that because it is an ajax portfolio?  What would the CSS be to have my portfolio images hover effect function the same way as BeOnePage? Thank you!
  • Have you set your main portfolio page in theme options>blog,shop&portfolio>portfolio?
    Send a link to your page as well.
  • I have set the main portfolio page.  Sending a private message with my page link.  Thanks.
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