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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Hi againThanks for this. I went into the Theme Options menu and clicked on Responsive, then scrolled down to Section Background Image and selected 'Show on desktop only'.What I now see when I view my site on a mobile is a smaller section of the imag…
  • Thanks for the reply. What I can see is only a tiny fraction of the main image on the top of my homepage: everything else is okay but with just a small, random part of that image showing it's impossible to make out what it's supposed to be and so it…
  • Thanks for this - in a way of course I'm glad to learn you guys didn't see the problem I've seen, as hopefully this means there isn't a problem with the site. I'll experiment with a few different browsers and see what I can find out.Regards, Ed
  • Hi againThanks for your reply and apologies for being sidetracked for the past few days. Apologies for the blank screenshot too, I'm not sure what happened there. As I said in my earlier post however, a screenshot isn't going to show you what the pr…
  • Okay thanks. Here http://pasteboard.co/IvMDNlJ.png is a screenshot of the grey panel at the bottom of the page. As you can see it's too deep for the very small amount of content it currently carries. If I could make it half the depth it currently is…
  • That's brilliant, thanks very much. I have three more questions if I may. First, can you tell me if it is possible to alter the depth of the dark grey panel towards the bottom of the main static page of my site at www.carhounds.co.uk? This panel is …
  • Hi againA quick note to let you know I've re-cropped my main image and played around a little more with the padding and margins, and am happy with the result: thanks very much for your help.One last question: I've just been emailed to say an update …
  • HiThanks again for the response.I've played around with the padding for various panels and now have what looks to me like an acceptable solution. I've edited the copy in the sub-header so it's now all visible on my screen when I land on the 'homepag…
  • That's great, thanks. I've done this for two of my separate pages so far (Terms & Conditions and Privacy) but I notice it's run all the words together in one long unintelligible line. Ideally I'd like to have a space, a vertical line and another…
  • HiThanks for the reply here.I did as you suggested and the good news is that my main image is now fully visible.However - the bad news is that this has pushed the next horizontal section - the section with the main heading and sub-heading explaining…
  • Okay, thanks for the help. Ed
  • Sure, and thanks for the reply. My site (www.carhounds.co.uk) is currently a single static page, which the user scrolls down to access the various elements. In addition to this however I've created separate pages for a number of legal documents (pri…