Hi. Is there someone who can advise me where to email or call someone as when I enter the license key as I have all three, none of them are working it is saying Support period date from provided license key is older than already existing one in database! I can't seem to submit a new ticket, but I have paid for 6 month support.
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License key verification
We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired
Where can I find my purchase code?Comments
Thank you for your help. This is completed.
Thank you.
The theme I am using is BeTheme if that helps.
Thanks – how do I make the logo slightly smaller on the mobile devices. I removed the other CSS codes. Am I doing something wrong below as it's not responding. @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) #Top_bar .logo { position: static; …
Sorry – website is http://182.265.myftpupload.com/
thank you. I just emailed as requested.
I figured it out. It needed a custom CSS code for iphone users. For your reference this is the CSS code to add. a[href^=tel] { color: inherit; text-decoration: none; } Thanks for helping when could.
I am confused. I tried removing the custom css and that was no change. This is my column code and text and I have the !important included. <div class="about_box"><style>p { margin-top: 0em; margin-bottom: 1.25em; padding-…
What phone are you using? It appears on my iPhone 4s for a few seconds, but then disappear (turns blue to allow you to click to call, but the blue matches the background blue). However, on iPhone 5 and up it doesn't even appear when go to the page.…
Sorry - its on the contact page as part of the text copy before the filling out the form. Reach out today at (908) 578-1452 or email using the form below. Get ready to enjoy a fresh spin on a very old craft. Of course, references are always availab…
Thanks again!
Perfect. Thank you!
Hi. I spoke too soon. Is there another code to not have the border appears on other pages? I didn't want the blue border on the clients page, just the portfolio. http://gellergraphics.com/newsite/clients/
I want the second line of the paragraph to be index to line up with the text (shown in red) as you can see at this link (http://postimg.org/image/9emr14gjj/) in the screenshot. I don't want to break the paragraph due to the site is responsive and w…
Thank you!
Sorry - its http://gellergraphics.com/newsite/tech-tips/ Thanks!
Thanks. I tried several different ways <span color>, the <p style> and nothing works. I was missing the !important. Thanks you so much.