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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Works great. Thank you very much. Kind Regards, Darren
  • Like this: [icon_bar icon="icon-tiktok" link="https://www.tiktok.com/@olivebricks?_t=8k1XuKSnnsH&_r=1" target="_blank" size="2".s1 .icon_bar .b{background-colour: #f00!important;} Or do i need to put it so…
  • Hi, no I want to create a different colour if possible. It's red because I could only assign the google shortcode but not a custom colour. I tried a line of css (color:"green") but to no avail? https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads…
  • Ah ok. Here is the link: https://olivebricks.co.uk/ Thank you for your help, Kind Regards, Darren
  • Perfect, that worked great. Thank you very much. Is there anyway to change the colour of the rollover box behind the logo? I tried to use color="red" but to no avail? Kind Regards, Darren
  • Hi, I did not find that section. Is there a tutorial on how to add a row f social media icons into my footer? I have added some already but am not sure how to get the TikTok icon displaying the same as the others? I want the TikTok icon inside the g…
  • Found it. Thank you very much for your help. That was the only place I did not look lol.
  • Hi, thank you all the same but I have change the colour now. I found a tutorial on how to build a custom footer template and I therefore built a custom one with my chosen colour. Thank you.