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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Did you try it directly on the browser or on a screen testing tool? I have used all of the browser and different PCs and have been able to replicate the issue.
  • I don't think a screenshot would show the what the issue is, since you cannot see the difference in the hover in an image :) You need to resize the browser screen to the dimensions mentioned above in order to replicate the issue.
  • It is worth mentioning that I was only able to replicate this issue directly on browser windows and not on screen testing tools such as Screenfly.
  • I already tried that but the icons either appear facing the other way as you can see on my site or they simply do not appear at all. This is how I'm entering them on the text editor: <span style="color: #ffffff;"><i class="ic…
  • I was able to make the modifications myself by just using CSS and without the CSS snippet above :) Maybe I should be a BeTheme support agent! Thanks
  • I believe the above CSS is correct, it's just the application of px units that isn't. I would really appreciate if you could help me get it right in order to accomplish what I desire with the theme.  All I need is to align the sticky header logo and…
  • Hi, this is what that snippet did to the sticky header and footer: http://i.imgur.com/X3xK2op.png- As you can see the alignment of both, the logo and the footer text went beyond the alignment of the content- The nav links on the sticky header moved …
  • Could you help me find a way with CSS to accomplish it? :)
  • No at all. I'm referring to the line that appears on the sticky header as shown on the image above. I hope you can help me, thanks :)
  • Here is my URL Thank you
  • You can see a pretty big difference in the magnitude of the effect http://www.exploraseattle.com/travel/ It's much more notorious on the demo and it's not due to the image being used, it's the parallax parameters themselves. Thanks
  • Could you please explain me where to obtain it and how to import it? Thanks
  • The parallax effect on the demo is clearly more visible. I already changed the parallax plugin but they all act the same. How can I make the effect similar to the one on the demo? Thanks!
  • Is there any way to make this snippet target just the Google Maps in order to not affect the rest of the shortcodes on VC? .wpb_wrapper > div { margin-bottom: 0 !important; } Thank you
  • Ok I was finally able to target that nav link with this CSS snippet: #Top_bar .menu > li#menu-item-30 {background: #fff !important;} However, I was still unable to make the text color different from the rest of the nav links like the "Buy No…
  • I thought so :)  What is the menu item ID then? Where do I obtain it from? Is it the name of the link, example, "Hablamos Espanol"?
  • Hi, tahnks for your response. Unfortunately that CSS snippet did not work. I created a CSS class named hablamosespanol for that nav link and then placed it on the snippet but it did not change the text color of the nav link called "Hablamos Esp…
  • Thank you for your response! 2) I would like the custom link's text to have a different color from the rest of the page links, like the "Buy Now" text on the demo  http://imgur.com/4zZtoD0 (highlighted in green) Thank you!
  • Hi, sure here is my URL Thanks
  • Should I modify the php? If yes, do you know which line it is? Thanks
  • Thank you I already sent you a message.  By the way, I also noticed on one of the demos that it is possible to customize the contact form like in this example http://themes.muffingroup.com/be/taxi/ I was wondering if you could help me understand how…
  • Hi, I don't think I did anything wrong :) I simply used the VC settings to add margin spacing between the columns and that's why they break up. Nothing out of this world, just using some of VC's featues. I'm simply trying to understand why. I did no…
    in VC Rows Comment by Gallardooo July 2015
  • Would it be possible to make the tab menu sticky though?
    in Tabs Comment by Gallardooo July 2015
  • Would it be possible to create a tab with a similar design like this one but also make it sticky?: http://rainmakerplatform.com/platform/tour/ Thank you :)
    in Tabs Comment by Gallardooo July 2015
  • Well I can get 4 columns to be displayed in a row, the problem is when I add margin spacing among them, then they break up. It's really frustrating. I have noticed that this happens no matter what number of columns I choose for the row, if I add any…
    in VC Rows Comment by Gallardooo July 2015
  • Could you please let me know of any other way that can be used to create a row with 4 columns and a margin of 10px separating each column in order to display my services as I need? I would really appreciate that :) Thank you!
    in VC Rows Comment by Gallardooo July 2015
  • It was meant to be for the sticky header so i just added is-sticky next to #Top_bar.  It worked thank you :)
  • 1. Here is my URL once again (sticky header) 2. Would you mind being more specific? I would like to understand better how the theme works in that regard 3. I have already increased the sticky header to about 80px height and looks good :) I only need…
    in Header Comment by Gallardooo July 2015
  • Thank you. From my part I can tell I have been testing it and everything seems fine. The only issue I have encountered so far is that it is not possible to use H1 for the "Custom Headings" VC shortcode. Do you know why that may be happenin…
  • Thank you! The snippet for the hover worked, but the one for the active link didn't :/ Is there anything else I can do? Thanks!