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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Hi Phil, thank you for the information. I don't need an earlier fix, it's not urgent.  We all forget to do something from time to time. But in general: I very much appreciate the quality and fast support from Muffin Group. Honestly: not everyone pr…
  • Hi, after updating to 27.4.5 the color palette works OK, but the Toggle element is still not resizable and remains at 1/4 width. Best regards, Martin
  • It would be awesome to implement support for scroll-driven animations. Clients often ask me why the animations only show up when scrolling downwards and not also when moving upwards. It's a logical consideration, and it would often be good to be abl…
  • Thanks for the quick resolution!
  • Hi, I was looking through the administration and found this: - yes, it's OK in Be Builder - when I close the page without saving, and open it in Classic Builder, I see the differences I wrote about, see screenshots https://forum.muffingroup.com/bet…
  • Hi nightlygroup, paste this into the Custom CSS box at the bottom of the page: .downcount.clearfix {display: flex;} This works fine when displaying the DHM or DH time format. Best regards, Martin
  • Hi Phil, thanks for your reply. If I use the Classic Editor plugin or the Disable Gutenberg plugin or the WPCode plugin, I always get the same error message. As far as I know, all of these solutions use a command add_filter( 'use_block_editor_for_p…
  • Hi Phil, thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, completely hiding the WordPress Editor does not solve anything for me, because then, for example, it is necessary to insert posts via the builder. For me, it is only about suppressing Gutenberg and thu…
  • For example, this website: https://www.svjkyselova.cz/ But the frontend is perfectly fine.
  • Hi, through further testing I have found that the same error occurs with other units such as vw. Martin
    in em unit Comment by MartinL-CZ March 2023
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/228276#Comment_228276 Clarification: this bug is only in BeBuilder Blocks
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/547/JFJC23HMQ4L1.png Hi, after updating to 26.7.1, a code appeared in the wrap and section settings, see screenshot.
  • Hi, in version you made a modification so that links with the .scroll class refer to the anchor without # in URL. But if the link goes to an anchor on another page (page/#anchor) then the # in the URL is displayed. Would it be possible to i…
  • Hi Phil, the action bar is active now: https://test24.webidea.cz/ The phone number can be seen under the logo. It is logical because both elements are positioned at the top. I think I'll end up using the Classic header where everything works fine.
  • Thanks, however this edit causes the menu to overlap the action bar.
  • Thank you for resolving the issue.
  • https://test10.webidea.cz Icon color and hover icon color are set to: # dd3333. The colors for the other elements work normally. Martin
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/210784#Comment_210784 Hi Phil, I created two test pages. The section where the bikes are is exactly where I need to have: arrangement for the desktop - bike / text // text / bike arrangement f…
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/157/2Y9QC0686GKU.jpg
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/210752#Comment_210752 Yes, I understand. But the "Reverse columns" function does not work properly. I tested it on a section with two wraps next to each other and also on a wrap with…
  • Column Text - Format When I need to enclose text between p or h1-h6 tags, this "Format" drop-down menu is very useful. However, I think it would be good for this menu to close automatically as soon as I select the desired item. This would …
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/210719#Comment_210719 Hi Phil, the typography button, as I found out now, works in the Live builder, but not in the classic version, which I use. That's the problem - not the type of text. Tha…
  • Column Text - Format When I need to enclose text between p or h1-h6 tags, this "Format" drop-down menu is very useful. However, I think it would be good for this menu to close automatically as soon as I select the desired item. This would …
  • Element settings - Style tab Some elements have only one item in the Style tab, but the accordion is collapsed, which means I have to click the arrow unnecessarily to expand that item. So, in my opinion, if there is only one item in the Style tab, t…
  • Order on mobile - originally only "reverse order" was in version 26 divided into reverse rows and reverse columns. I don't think it's clear how to use this feature properly, more precisely how to get the expected result. In addition: it is…
  • Section - three dots button - actions - collapse section It used to work fine, but in version 26.0 this setting is ignored. The next time I will edit this page, the section will be expanded. Tested many times.
  • The color that was set in Theme Options - Colors - Elements - Sliding Box Title background is ignored by the Sliding Box element. The default blue #0095eb is used instead. When I set background color in the element settings - Style - Background, for…
  • Muffin Builder can be hidden in Theme Options, but the Live Builder button is still visible. Please add the option to hide Live Builder as well, in case Elementor is used.
  • I would appreciate the ability to disable the lightbox for mobile devices. Since the images are displayed in only one column on the mobile phone, while covering almost the entire width of the display, the subsequent display in the modal window seems…