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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • I use Chrome on my iphone as well. I tried it in Safari and the same thing, the widget categories work properly on mobile but not on desktop.
  • And not sure if this will help, but it seems to be working fine on mobile but the double, triple clicking is only a problem on desktop.
  • I've done what you requested. I actually found out that I wasn't using the child theme so I had to change it to that. I copied over my style.css and function.php to my child theme so that when I update I dont' lose anything. Either way, I haven't ch…
  • I was using in Chrome. I just tried in Safari and I have to double-click on it for it to change. Is there a setting for that? In Chrome, sometimes i double click and it doesn't work. This is with the category with the subcategories as well...whereas…
  • Also the widgets, my "menu" of categories, is not working as well and they were also working as well. These were working prior to the update as well. Not working, as in, when I test them out, some don't work with clicking on it (like there…
  • With this new update, the masonry effect isn't working. The reason I wanted the template fixed was so that I could keep the masonry style, otherwise I could have just created a new page and added my category to it. The blog part works but the masonr…
  • If the update is in the next little bit...I can wait as it's just a paragraph. That'll be fantastic that it will be fixed so I can create more templates with confidence. Thanks for your attention to the matter. Much appreciated. I await the update! …
  • I took off the -category GOTTA LMAO exemption and made no difference. Just so you know my intentions, I am trying to put a paragraph underneath the product category so that's why i created a separate template for it. It didn't work when i started bu…
  • Hi...me again. The template stopped working again. Not sure why it's glitching like that. I'll send photos. (Read from last one up) or you can go to my website https://www.gottahaveit.ca https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/124/22VRMRQHNBYT…
  • But now that you are here. Is there a way to customize the Search Results page? I can't seem to find any documentation on it when I search. https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/950/D1S6O7E6TC94.png
  • Somehow it's working now. I didn't do anything different