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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Thank you. It all works fine now, except that the video should auto play also on the 'About' page, but does not work on the Firefox browser?
  • Oh yes, thanks. The problem is that it's a big file, so I did not want to download it, but rather use a link...
  • Thank you. Is WP Media a plugin? I can't find it...
  • Hi again, I did what you adviced, but I can still see this on the blog page: Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /customers/2/4/6/heliostorage.com/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/betheme/functions/theme-functions.php on line 1…
  • Will do!  Thank you!
  • Hi again, Thank you for your message. The screenshot is below. Site is http://heliostorage.com/ (Image)
  • Thanks!  I was able to do this already...
  • I tried to update, but got the above error message...
  • Unpacking the package… Installing the theme… Destination folder already exists. /customers/2/4/6/heliostorage.com/httpd.www/wp-content/themes/betheme/ Theme installation failed.
  • Great! Thank you so much!
  • Thanks!  Not sure how to attach a screenshot here... Anyway, I want the blue text (Bikram, Flow&Yin etc.) smaller.... http://www.janeashtonyoga.co.uk/ Cheers.
  • http://www.janeashtonyoga.co.uk/
  • Thanks Bryan.  That's not exactly what I meant.  I would just like to increase the font in the responsive menu, ie. to make the list of menu items' font bigger. I've tried to add a Custom CSS code but cannot seem to get it right...Thanks!
  • Great!  Thank you very much!
  • Great!  Thanks a lot!
  • I don't have an issue really.  The responsive menu is fine, nice and big.  But I just want the same look on the laptop screen, meaning, the accordion lines bigger and thicker.  They seem very small now: http://www.heliostorage.com/ So I think I jus…
  • Hello again, Above you gave me instructions how to make the accordion menu lines thicker on the responsive menu.  That's great.   However, I would also need to make them thicker on a big screen, how to do that? Thanks in advance! http://www.heliost…
  • Fantastic!  Thanks for your help!!!
  • Great!  Thanks! Would you be able to help me how to add the custom class? Thanks!
  • Hi.   Sorry, took a while... So, I would like to make the 3 lines of the accordion menu thicker on the responsive view.  Also, I have set up a big fixed cover image on each page, but would like them to be smaller on the responsive view, how to do th…
  • Wow!  Amazing!  Thank you very much for your quick and great help!
  • Thank you very much!   What happens still with the Date is that it leaves the 'at' word and there is the picture of the clock after 'at' and before the date: at  October 15, 2016 any chances to remove the 'at' and the clock? :)
  • I had removed the details but I have now activated them again from the General-Blog-settings.   So as you can see, each blog posting shows the Author, Date and Category options at the top.  I would like to remove the Author and Category but leave th…
  • I know how to remove them all, but I would like to show only the Date on top of the blog posting (no Author and no Category): http://www.alikiweakland.com/blog/
  • Hello.Thank you for your reply.  Interesting, the parallax still shows on the site if I look at it with some other laptops in our household.  However, something has happened suddenly to my laptop as over night the parallax did not work anymore.  Wha…
  • Just did that... I have 2 languages.  I have left the plugin version of the video on the English Homepage.  And I've tried your video item on the Finnish (Suomi) Etusivu.  As you can see it does not work where as the plugin is working...
    in Sport Theme Comment by SariWebs May 2016
  • Sorry, so the instruction ID is this:"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoJhnRczeNg" And mine is this:"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIzNDk5NCi4"
    in Sport Theme Comment by SariWebs May 2016
  • I'm using the Youtube video ID according to this instruction: It`s placed in every YouTube & Vimeo video, for example: YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoJhnRczeNg with parameters:autoplay=1&loop=1 and it does not work, but gives an …
    in Sport Theme Comment by SariWebs May 2016
  • Thanks!  But I can't get your VIDEO item to work.  It gives a black screen and an error message.  And I'm sure the Youtube link is correct...
    in Sport Theme Comment by SariWebs May 2016
  • Another question...I'm using the Youtube Embed Plugin and would like to make a video to cover the whole screen.  Any ideas how to do that?  They were not able to help me.Thanks!
    in Sport Theme Comment by SariWebs May 2016