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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Dear Muffin Support [@ you there Pablo] Thank you, Thank you for the Awesome Support.Hands down the best theme out there.Please, don't stop supporting and improving it. #BestThemeEver
  • If I made the logo smaller would you be able to help me? I think I'd be willing to sacrifice the bigger logo for a static header…
  • Yes please, 1: Header should remain atop (site scrolls behind OR underneath header)2: No stick effect when scrolling down Much appreciated
  • Good day Support I've been traversing all the discussions I can find. This one comes closest to what I'm looking for. I'm hoping you can help me. My site URL: http://dupaint.co.za doesn't seem to have a fixed header on mobile although it is turned o…
  • Thanks for all the other help, appreciate it…
  • Pablo, you're legendary!You are rated 10 stars by me for your awesome support. So, I've fixed request #2. What I meant with request #1 is that the search field appears atop the logo and not below the header…See screenshot: http://prntscr.com/jzwf8s …
  • Thanks Pablo Worked perfectly.  A new problem on the mobile view has arisen from the recent changes though:1. The search field needs to move down below the header2. The menu when clicked also needs to display below the header so it's not sitting ato…
  • Good day Pablo Firstly thanks for your responce ealier. I've resorted to changing the header style to fixed. New problem has arisen: So, I used below CSS to make the logo bigger on mobile, however, part of the logo disappears behind the banner, Is t…
  • Hi Pablo, Thank you for your prompt feedback…Oh, how I wish you knew how I want the logo smaller. Not my call, unfortunately.http://prntscr.com/jxxhol Previously, the header was fixed and that worked fine, however, because the slider was appearing …
  • Good day SupportIs there a way to keep the menu aligned middle of the header after adjusting the size of the sticky header and logo. Link: http://dupaint.co.zaThe menu jumps position on scroll because I've adjusted the height of the header. Please h…
  • Worked perfectly, thank you…
  • Greetings Pablo, please find attached screenshot of the green alert I referred to earlier (below submit button):(Image)
  • Dear MuffunGroup, I absolutely second and third the requests above. Making the markers clickable would be a nice feature. Please, kindly consider including it in a future release. Think most people are inclined to think they can click on the markers…
  • I have learned after searching for days that iOS and Android do not support auto playing of videos, hence the videos don't work on mobile devices. I've resorted to adding the video as a layer, because at least that way, users can play the video 
  • Ah I see… I'll see if I can figure it out and I'll post my solution here, in case another user encounters a similar issue. Thanks you for the feedback… You guys a doing a great job, please keep it up!