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- andreaminerva
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License key verification
We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired
Where can I find my purchase code?Comments
I've got my solution, and will write it below for anyone else who sees extra space below their subheader image. First of all, the problem is caused by some very long page heads and my attempt to have the titles in the lower half of my header imag…
I have been to Theme options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > General section, however there is no choice to not show the feature image. I can only get rid of the image if I totally get rid of the navigation arrows. I like the arrows, but I don'…
OK, I just did.
OK, got it. For anyone else who finds this on the forum, you go to Appearance, Editor, then open the PHP file on the right side called /content-single.php. In about the middle of the file look for <span class='st_facebook_vcount' displayText='Fac…
In the screen capture, please see the thumbnails on the left side (data integration) and right side (DAMA), which are associated with the next and previous posts. I would like to NOT display them. I cannot provide a link to my development site, sorr…
I wish I could but my development area is only visible if you change something in your PC host file - otherwise you see the current live site. It's a bother. If you are willing to do that I can send you the info privately.
I have narrowed this problem down and see that it happens only when I have a long file name or set of sub-pages, making the breadcrumb very long. I need to see if you have any documentation on placing the breadcrumb somewhere else.
I just answered my own question. It IS possible. Here's what I did in case it helps anyone else. I had to make sure the type and links were no longer white, as that is my background and they did not show up at first. .infobox h3 { color: #1c447f !im…
OK, between this and some guidance from another forum user I made a 2-column megamenu. I used to be a technical writer, so here are my complete instructions. I hope this will help someone else in the future. How to make a 2-column megamenu You’re g…