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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • ok found a solution for the editing problem by clicking the navigator on the left side then right click on the section and click edit, but the issue with the missing header persists...
  • ok thanks a lot in this case I'll just leave it for now best Andreas
  • thanks a lot much better now :) is there any way to customize the "+" at the the left of each toggle (bigger/smaller/different color?)
  • link: https://conow.net/vertragsbindung/
  • Hi Pablo, this is the link, I would like the bottom of the accordion and the bottom of the picture to end on the same line (so I guess I`ll have to scale down the accordion for just a bit). Thanks for your helpAndreas
  • Hi Pablo, thanks, I understand. I would like to 1. reduce the height of the single accordion elements to about 90% and2. make the borders of the element invisible Can you please let me know which CSS code I will have to insert in the theme options…
  • adapted it so it will center only the mobile menu (mobile breakpoint is set on 1240px in my case) @media only screen and (max-width: 1240px) {#Top_bar nav#menu li{text-align: center !important;}} seems to work fine thanks
  • css works perfect thanks a lot
  • so maybe there is some theme option I missed or a css-oneliner to fix thatthanks
  • maybe the alignment of the mobile menu automatically reflects the alignment of the page content, but I don´t see a way to adjust the alignment of the mobile menu for all pages
  • same problem on small notebook screen firefox windows 7
  • when you browse the subpages on mobile the dropdown menu will be centered on some pages (for example page "start") and left aligned on others (for example "über mich") though i´m not sure it affects always the same pages
  • google chrome on android, the problem affects only the main menu on mobile devices (dropdown).
  • thanks a lot
  • thanks a lot
  • ok thanks can you send me custom css to decrease the font-size please - for screens vrom 768 to 900 - just to try it out? if it doesnt work I´ll probably set a bigger screensize as break for mobile menu without items.
  • Hi, the page will still be offline for a few weeks, so here are the screenshots: 1. desktop (1050px) - everything fine - menu and logo in one row https://pasteboard.co/HqMtkW3.png 2. laptop (768px) - menu too big and shifted downwards https://past…
  • I checked different screen sizes and the problem occurs only with sizes < 900px so I would need CSS for changing menu item size or menu item font size for screens from 768px to about 899 px. Thanks
  • picture of the laptop screen: menu items shifted downwards:(Image)
  • Changed the menu somehow but don´t know how so that the line below the menu link is fixed now. How can I change back to having line below menu link changing from "below link" to "below menu" when scrolling down?
  • Well I tried to remove action bar and subheader, now part of the content is shown behind the obviously transparent menu although menu doesnt seem to be set as transparent in the customizer. Is there no way to let the content begin right below the m…