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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Hi Azonaco, can you share the JS you applied to have the sticky remain on screen? It would help me a lot with my site! thanks in advance!
  • Hi Juane, I'm having a similar issue with my site. Would you share with me the solution you found using mfn_hook_top? Thanks a lot!
  • Hi, I'm working with the something similar, but what I need is to make highlight work as a rectangle without fill around the selected option, is that possible? My website is andresfreschi.wpstagecoach.com Thanks in advance!
  • Is there a way to wipe the Custom CSS code I entered in the theme? I access Appearance - Betheme Options - Custom CSS & JS and I removed everything there, but somehow the custom code persists on the site.
  • Sure, this is my site: http://andresfreschi.wpstagecoach.com/ What I need is to show 4 options right, and 4 options left using Semitransparent Split menu for pages with banner, and solid split menu for pages without banner. I set 2 different layouts…
  • Hi, I had the same problem, but in my case I have 8 menu entries. How can I manage to place 4 items on each side? Is it possible, maybe decreasing spacing between entries?
  • Thanks! I managed to change it by using some CSS. Thanks a lot!
  • Hi, where can I find some examples of shortcodes to style the Timeline? I would love to reach a similar design to the example timeline here: http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/shortcodes/content-elements/#timeline, but I don't see much customizat…