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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • I know how. I jwas just asking which of the three needs to be modified, but if you don't know or you consider that telling me which of the three means customer customization, then I just check it myself and see in which one the code works best.
  • I'm just explaining what happened so that you know for the next time someone faces the same problem, but it is not a complain because I'm both extremely happy with the theme and the technical service. In order for the strings to be registered by WPM…
  • I gave you access to my site and this is what you said by email to me: **************Hi, we found that filters are registered properly what you can see on http://pasteboard.co/bMJRnmLp3.png and looks like something wrong happened to WPML plugin. You…
  • Got it! So obvious, never occurred to me that sections also had all these potential of configuration. Sorry for the silly question and thank you so much. Such a great theme!
  • Link below: http://6d8.a33.myftpupload.com/2013/12/communications/ The first image is centred, the rest not, and I still don't know exactly why. This happens in all the posts. Some are centred and some others not, and I haven't been able to identif…
  • As I said, they don't appear on String Translation and I'm quite familiar with it, so I don't know where to find those strings or how to translate it.
  • Then, as a future feature to what is already a great theme, I stronly advise that you make possible to manage user capabilities of your Post Types or at least limit access to subscribers, because you have created a theme with 7 different post types …
  • How can I then restrict access of Subscribers so that they can't see those Post Types when they enter the backend, and very specially how can I block their current ability to create new Portfolio, Slides and Layouts? Take into account that we are ta…
  • thank you so much for being so patient. It works now and it looks beautiful. Another 5 star for your theme. :-)
  • This solution does the job beautifully, but it also reduces the images of the Blog item of the main page, where I'm using the Masonry Blog Style (http://pasteboard.co/7Fx0qGjP3.png). How to limit it to the Classic view, which is the one in which I f…
  • Hello. First of all, thank you for your kind assistance :-) The code looked different because seeing that it did not provide the expected results I started tinkering with it, however you can be assured that I tried the one you provided me and I have…
  • It keeps not working even when I past it there, so I fell there may be something wrong with the code. Do you want access to my backend?
  • I pasted in in Editor - Styles.css that I have defined for the child theme. I have other CSS there that seem to work OK.  Please could you revise the code as it seems that there are commas that may not be required, which tells me that perhaps someth…
  • Thank you for the assistance :) It does not seem to work, not even after I removed the comma after the first .image_frame which does not seem to go there. It is not a problem of caches, because I have emptied them.  I would appreciate a lot if you h…
  • Thank you  This is the page:  http://6d8.a33.myftpupload.com/portfolio-item/andean-pranic-healing/ ‎I look forward to your reply, :-)
  • I had the same problem and it was solved when I ceased to use Safari on my mac and used Chrome. Safari unzips files and the zip used by Rev Slider for exporting is different, so when you zip it again and try to upload it does not find the export.txt…
  • Thanks. I solved the problem thanks to the advice you provided by email.