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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • I have already said I did two installations and one is working fine. Avada works perfectly fine but yours doesn't work! Using name "wp-content" in path means its hardcoded and if the directory name wp-content is changed it doesn't work!
  • I'm not sure if you understood my response - I have two URL's only the same server and one is working. (means your dirname( __FILE__ ); works on the server).  The only difference in two is the wp-content directory name. You are calling absolute URL …
  • You are wrong and the server runs properly. Here is a another installation on the same server - http://pixuate.wwwssr3.supercp.com/test/ The issue is you have hardcoded path to wp-content directory which is a bad coding practice. You are simply putt…
  • Sent you the credentials in a personal message. I think the issue is somewhere you have hardcoded file path instead of best practice of dynamically calling them.
  • The hosting company replied as below: I've went through the error and tried troubleshooting the problem you're having but it doesn't seem to be a server-side issue. In fact, the files that seem to be the problem are the theme files. Are there any sp…
  • Ok I have raised a ticket with hosting company. Will get back to you with their response.
  • Disabling plugin doesn't help.  What could be the server setting issue?