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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Hello, Thank you very much, truly. Don't know if you did something from your end, but I've just tested my whatsup button and it's working! Both in laptop and mobile. Haven't changed anything whatsoever since my last post... magic? Whatever! I get y…
  • c) Regarding confusing urls. Yes, I'm talking about the SSL certificate in url bar. Despite the fact that it takes you to the same page in my web, depending on where you're coming from, the SSL certificate in url bar reads differently. Please revie…
  • b) regarding wrapper margin in testominials on phone view. Thank you very much. I added the CSS. I gain a little bit of width so the lines are now like one or two words longer. Is there another way to gain a little bit more or that's the best I can …
  • Thanks. Regarding B above: what can I do? what should I test, and how? I have no 3rd party plugins. None. Only those that come with bethene by default. https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/429/MP48PJ8T17CE.png Let's assume that I have n…
  • Confusing urls: Let me just point out that i sell 3 services: teaching ("docencia"), training (formación) and mentoring (mentoria). Each of those services has a distinct page in my web. In the home page, you can see the 3 services, click o…
  • Re whatsup button: Don't know where that double https// comes from. This is the link I have in my whatsupbutton in the footer: https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/827/TDKZ59RANEJ7.png That's my real number btw. 34 for spain, plus my number…
  • Hi. Thank you for clariying. Let's go issue by issue in different posts. Re testimonials on mobiles: Yes, removing that padding would be great. I simply want the lines to be longer in lenght, using the full width possible. I must be that in your mo…
  • Hello, Yes, I'll record a video or send more pics, but about which of the three issues you are requiring it?: a) testimonials: in mobiles phones, they look like a column and I would like to use the full width of the screen, as it is the case with t…
  • My web is almost finished, so I would like to really thank you for your help. Now, I sell three different training servicios, and each of them has a page in tmy web. In each of those three pages, there are two icons that take you to each of the othe…
  • Regarding testimonials, I've tried to reduce to 0px padding and margins in mobile view. But still they appear like in a column layout in mobile phones. I cannot send you screenshots since I'm writing from my laptop. But maybe you could check it out …
  • Hello Phil, Please see the screenshots regarding whatsup button and its link. It's in a footer. https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/560/48OD621WCXC8.png https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/586/VASMTPURENHB.png
  • Re pics being cut off... I've just realised that when I upload the pics into my media library, those pictures are uploaded and cut off. But the original pics are fully sized. Why is that? What to do? It happens with both standard and compressed pict…
  • Hello Phil, My whatsap icon is not a section in any page, it is in the footer. https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/675/9QWH21UHZOK1.png https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/207/KRAJJKOPSX6I.png Nonetheless, I've tried get that l…
  • Hello, Thanks a lot. Did the thing on the slungs and worked. Had to double check all links and code that I've already created, but nevermind. Also, the last CSS you sent was able to remove underlining in testimonials. Re testimonials, I was wonde…
  • Thank you. I understand that there are some plugins installed in my betheme by default, right? Could you please provide me with a list of basic plugins or a resource with a list of that kind? As you can see, my website is very simple and don't requ…
  • And, please check the our testimonials thread, because it's still not working. Sorry.
  • Hi, Thanks a lot. Re whatsup: I'll try to do what you suggest. The screenshots were to show you: a) the current wordking of my urls. I'll do what you suggest above. I understand that 'slug' is the actual url as it will show in the browser. b) th…
  • Hi Phil, As I said, I tried adding CSS line as above. It's not working.
  • Hi again. Actually, my url is in my post above. here is again: https://ificomm.eu/
  • Thank you Phil. 1) Ok, understood. I'll try that. But I should have an specific plugin for the link to open up the client's whatsup, right? 2) No, Phil. In another question I made to you, I briefly explained my story. I don't know anything whatsoev…
  • https://ificomm.eu/
  • Thanks Phil. Actually, I managed to solve both problems... don't remember how, being honest, but didn't do what suggested above, that's for sure. Sorry about that! And thanks!
  • Was able to do that, GPT helped. Uploaded new pic into my library, which gave me an url then got that into html code in the footer. thxs anyway!