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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Ok i have found a solution finally. You guys mentioned it before that it has to do with memory size. For anyone that is interested.: Well i didn't have a php.ini so i just created it in the wp-admin folder and added the code: <? phpinfo(); ?&g…
  • Success!!! Updating theme files manually fixed it. Thanks a mil!
  • Hi that's a bit concerning. Could you please elaborate on what seems to be wrong with the site ? Would updating future updates manually fix my one color issue?
  • Could you please try again. It is definitely working as have tried with different people/devices
  • And just to add - Everything (the one color #2499a8) was working perfect. One day later i sign in and bam, colors changed...
  • Hi sorry didn't reply earlier. here is the link (site is not finished yet) www.cosaustralia.com.au/home I've attached a picture of my settings for the One Color Skin. Now go to my site link above and notice how everything is GRAY (and white), where …
  • hi thanks for the response. No i am not trying to change the colors. I have had One color skin selected and everything was working perfect. 2 days later i visit my site and the colors changed to gray and white. I did nothing. I am using wordfence se…
  • Hi i have the same problem as of today. Latest version and have the Business theme. I had a one color skin enabled and now it goes to gray no matter what color i use on that setting. pre defined colors from the menu work however. I have w3 total cac…