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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Hum...ok. Any possible website with Betheme installed running with BuddPress you guys has been noticed? Tks.
  • Hi guys, Just fixed. It's not a theme issue. Something more related to how BuddyPress is integrated to Betheme. Case closed. Thanks
  • Guys, It's been funny but can't figure out which labels are empty. It's a simple thing bu it doesn't work. I just added sub-items normally as a default procedure in WP.  What am I missing here? thanks
  • Hi, You mean labels? We're integrating Buddypress in Betheme. These new pages Login and register goes below Intranet as sub-itens. Is Buddypress compatible right? tks.
  • Hi there, See last item nav menu called Intranet. I setup dro-down itens as sub-itens nd enabled mega menu. It didn't wotk anyway. Sorry, forgot this one. This is the URL. thanks.
  • Folks, That DIVIDER trick worked like a charm! :-))) Thanks for the tip! Best
  • Have you seen the attachment? That was taken on Ipad actually. This has nothing to do with the Windows though. It happens there but in every mobile tablet with responsive layout ON. :-) I notice in the muffins options a few options. Isn't something …
  • OK. Thanks for it. :-) It's now working again!
  • Hi. This particular issue happens in Windows 7/10 under IE 11.63 and with responsive mode active over the Portuguese language. In the English page of services, the issue does not come up. I've tested on Microsoft Edge, and the problem is gone. Also…
  • Hi, Humm...so should I remove both? Is that what you mean? tks
  • Hi, Well, try this directly: http://www.eventus.com.br/portal/contact-us/?lang=en Thanks PS: I adjusted the CSS a bit to place the X sign in the right but seems not be fit well
  • Hi, I figured out how to do it by adding this:  Thanks :-) #Header .top_bar_left, .header-classic #Top_bar, .header-stack #Top_bar, .header-split #Top_bar, .header-fixed #Top_bar, .header-below #Top_bar, #Header_creative, #Top_bar #menu { background…
  • Folks, Came up with another possible thinking..if we start thinking about a conflict between plugins (like ones that use Ajax ou JS), what could interfere with the Zoombox shortcode?
  • Guys, Have you really tried the following link on your own IOS 9.1 devices using Safari? -> http://www.eventus.com.br/novosite See all zoom boxes and feel the effect while rolling the page from one box to another. Sorry...I know it seems crazy …
  • Hey there! The only explanation I see is the fact you guys run your Demos in a different environment. I mean, hosting provider. We run all our web services in Hostgator US. That's the only gap I can imagine as an issue but can't figure out why and…
  • Hey!That's what we did when we decided to install Be/Webdesign theme in a fresh WP. See here: http://brightland.com.br/wpteste/home-2/ That works but not under IOS 9.1 or Chrome. Wouldn't be something related to environment like hosting or something…
  • Hi folks, There's something really weird down here around the way Zoom box work under mobile devices specially with IOS 9.1 in Safari. When I access your be/webdesign theme from it, it gives me the hover effect and expected behaviour in all zoom box…
  • OK guys,I'll try on my own first with a clean WP install and if needed, I back through a private message. Thanks.
  • OK. Let me think a bit....Am I able to download the BeAgency demo right into my actual WP where beEvent is running so I can compare both zoom boxes side by side?  The only way to demonstrate the difference I'm seeing here would be recording a video.…
  • Hey, here we go again... We discussed the hover effect and the whole user behavior when scrolling down over the Zoom box. In Demo, you guys do not use an URL which may be the difference when compared to our custom. When I scroll yours on my iPhone …
  • Thanks guys. I'll cover this here with the team. :-)
  • Hi, I know but can't reproduce the exactly demo effect even using the internal link from the item. See yourself by accessing the homepage (http://www.brightland.com.br/eventus) and scrolling to the zoom boxes each one. When you scroll to the second …
  • OK. No worries. Where can I obtain the right info to install the Zoom Box just like the demo? Thanks,.
  • Hi folks, I'm still around with this topic trying to find a clue around. Following the exactly demo, I noticed that when you go hover, the inside text pop-up with an enough time to decide for a second click or not. I tried to reproduce such thing b…
  • Folks, All set and working! Appreciated the reinforced tip. Just one thing: Is it possible to edit the narrows that appears over the offer image? I can edit colors through CSS but position isn't working. I'd like to relocate to a lower position awa…
  • Ok. Got it. Thanks. But although we set as featured, text goes below the image and not beside like demo. :-( Would you mind share how you guys did the shortcode so we can reproduce exactly how demo is? Thanks 
  • Hi folks, Let me ged a ride on this thread too. I have one page setup and a few offers added in offer item in left WP dash. None are showing up like the demo. For instance, where exactly we should add the image? In featured on right? Inside WP edito…
  • Hey, No worries. I understand how things normally works. :-) You got right. First click open the hover effect so user have access to text info inside the box then he can decide to click or not in the link provided. Think this already works but when …
  • Hi there, We actually did nothing special in terms of customisation. We just added the shortcode one by one and setup. That's all. There's no scroll on this page and we don't want to. It's ok how it is. :-) Our issue is related to the internal link.…
  • Guys, Just a quick note...although I had used only one link, user is bypassing the text inside the box going directly to the URL. There's no time to read it. It's automatically and happens no matter point you click. Any idea how to avoid this expe…