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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Nevermind. I found it out, it worked. p { line-height: 32px; } p { margin-top: 0em;   margin-bottom: 40px; }
  • Ok, I changed action bar background color, in Muffin builder, Colors section... but how about increasing size and changing color of social icons and slogan? Is it in the muffin builder too? I can't find it. Thanks
  • No, there's no rev slider shortcode in Muffin Builder. As I said before, the first items on that page in Muffin Builder are the three icon boxes that come in Fit Demo. Once I installed the demo, this error showed up, even before I started editing th…
  • I see.. I am not a programmer but I can follow instructions when they are clear.  But if you don't offer this kind of support, then one suggestion for improving the user experience in your themes is to include social icons on headers in a way they a…
  • Yes there is this option and it is set as "Select" as it has always been since instalation, in front page and all other pages. What I'm trying to say is that even though there's no Revolution Slider selected, THERE IS AN ERROR MESSAGE IN M…
  • Hi, There's no option of removing slider from my front page. When I go to page options section in that page, the first items are the 3 icon boxes... No Revolution Slider Item. Whenever there's an "option" for revolution slider, the only op…
  • Hi not even by inserting coding or using a plugin? thanks!
  • thanks. it worked. =)