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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Hi Phill, You may not have understood my question or perhaps is not in a good mood today I know Elementor is not your builder, I am not so dumb I am not struggling with Elementor nor asked you anything about how to use Elementor. My question was s…
  • thank you very much I managed to find a way to create a "search form" page with elementor that replaces the one that shows when I search for something, however this page doesnt show the search results. Would there be a way I could add a …
  • In case there isnt a way for me to edit this page, could I use a "search" page from another template within this one? If so, could you please tell me how? Thank you
  • Hi Albert, Thank you for getting back to me. The problem is that I cant edit the search page. There isnt anywhere on wordpress.com where I can edit this page so I wouldnt be able to add custom css, or element or anything whatsoever https://forum…
  • Sorry, I am usually smarter than that Here is the website. On this page I've added a search field https://wiseshop.info/blog/ If you seatch for something you will be taken to a page that doesnt match the template, and I cant find a way to customi…