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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Thanks for confirming. I can do the custome CSS part so no need for help on that front.  It is still unclear to me why the custom skin rules are different from the predefined skin rules when it comes to the action button as explained above. From wha…
  • Did some more digging and it looks like it is controlled by the color-theme property but for some reason the dynamic CSS that is being generated in style-colors.php for the skin includes the following rule  .button-stroke a.button.button_theme:not(.…
  • So it looks like I was able to find a way to deal with the second part of my question above using custom CSS and media queries. Not ideal this could be somethign to consider as an enhancement (have the option to enable scaling) with the option to sp…
  • Related to this topic I guess so posting here ... I have not been able to find any specifics documentation on the fancy divider. Can you point me to something more detailed if it exists? I'm looking to be able to emulate some of the things you see o…
  • New to this and trying to install one of the 1-Click Demo Installs (HR) following the documentation instructions. Once I select the demo I want and click the Import Demo Data button, the page very quickly returns to an empty page. Checking the pages…