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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Well that hasn't worked. Seems odd cos the page isn't very big - infact it's exactly the same size as another page on the site. 
  • Can you at least let me know where the js and css for this item is located as I cannot seem to find it. Thanks
  • Unfortunately I am making the website offline. However I did find the code in the end, it doesn't require file customisation just this simple line of code:   .portfolio_group .portfolio-item .list_style_header .links_wrapper { display: none; } Sure…
  • Or is there a way to remove the title, arrows and read more button in the "List" style in Portfolios.  Again, if if you can assist with how to alter the image size too that would be great.  Thanks again
  • Are you sure?? I've seen other discussions and comments that say it is possible - I just seem to be having difficulties implementing it. 
  • Managed to eventually figure it out - here's the code I used....  #Top_bar.is-sticky .logo { width:auto; margin: 0 30px 0 20px; padding:0;}#Top_bar.is-sticky #logo { padding:0px 0; height:0px; line-height:0px;}#Top_bar.is-sticky #logo img { max-heig…
  • Managed to eventually figure it out - here's the code I used....  #Top_bar.is-sticky .logo { width:auto; margin: 0 30px 0 20px; padding:0;}#Top_bar.is-sticky #logo { padding:0px 0; height:0px; line-height:0px;}#Top_bar.is-sticky #logo img { max-heig…
  • Hi, After fiddling around with the above code I have been able to make the image work for the main header on my site. However, I'm having a problem with getting the logo to resize and overlay in the sticky header. Any ideas for what code works for t…
  • The site is currently offline as I create it. Surely you are able to help me align it to the centre and enlarge it in the sticky header using CSS. I have seen various other websites using BeTheme have this but i cannot for the life of me figure out …
  • I have tried to use the code in the post however you haven't answered my question fully. I would still like it to overhang in the sticky menu, plus the logo is no longer in the centre of the header. This is the full code I have now inputted: #Top_ba…