



Last Active

License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Thanks!! Worked great.  
  • I've disabled all of the cache plugins on the site and it seems to be working better now.  Is there a recommended cache or optimizer plugin that you would say works best with this theme?  One that doesn't give any issues but does allow the site to o…
  • Ok, I've done this and now the site is acting even more strange.  I've cleared the cache on the browswer and also on my plugin within the site.  It's never done this before and I've not added any recent plugins to make it start acting this way.  Is …
  • can you at least tell me what the latest version of the betheme file should read?  So that I make sure when I am able to download it that i have the correct file name?
  • Please download and read our email conversation [...] I just need to know why it's not allowing me to download the updated version.  If you can send me the updated version or create a file and share the link that'd be great.  I'm getting quite frust…
  • This does not help at all.  What I said was that the actual download of the supposedly "updated" version of the theme is not downloading for me.  When it says update available and I try and download the updated version it downloads the ori…
  • Just sent it over to you.  Thanks for taking a look!!
  • I have tried this code on my website and it's not working for this particular site that I have.  I've used it on all other websites I've developed from the Betheme but for some reason this site isn't working for the rounded corners.  Can you please …