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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • What header settings are you referring to? The header options menu all match. Are you referring to the settings for every section and wrap in the header? It looks fine except that it creates two headers and I don't know what setting that would be.
  • I assume you mean using the import and export on the left side. I don't see export it in the sections and wraps on the header. I created a new template and exported and imported which was just copy and pasting the code and I am getting double header…
  • When you say "create a copy" are you meaning to create and build another header or is there a way to copy the header I already have? I use the copy option but that is from a plugin I believe and just copies a blank header. https://forum.mu…
  • How do I copy the header? I choose copy in the builder header section of templates but it just creates a blank header to start building on.
  • The page below is the one https://nevergiveupfarm.com/littlehooveschallengeregistration/
  • I eventually got it how I wanted it. Is it possible to make the header not sticky for a single page? I tried using CSS .page-id-xxx #Top_bar.is-sticky { display: none !important; } with the id of the page but it didn't work.
  • I put the link in there. Not sure why it didnt post. See below. https://nevergiveupfarm.com/littlehooveschallengeregistration/
  • Got it. Thank you
  • Got it. Thank you I noticed last night that the buttons on some other pages weren't changing to the correct color when I hover over them. It worked before and the correct color was still selected for hover. I was able to get it working by changing …
  • I did. Not sure if it's the correct way but it's in the middle now. I am using gravity forms for the shortcode. How would I change the submit button color? Is the fancy header line under Contact Us able to be bolded or changed to a different color?
  • I have a contact form on the page and on mobile it is centered to the page but on desktop I can't seem to get it centered to the page. https://nevergiveupfarm.com/contact/ https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/643/7D5HC67JLCEW.png
  • I guess so. After about 4 hours of messing around with settings, it appears to be working but I have no idea how I did it.
  • I ended up moving the section up and exporting and then moving it back down.
  • Is there a way to export a section if it's near the footer? The footer is making the menu disappear when trying to export because it kills the cursor. Once the cursor reaches the footer, the pointer goes away and the menu closes. https://forum.muffi…
  • That worked. Thank you
  • I created the ftp access and sent it through the private contact form.
  • I don't have FTP access at the moment. I will try and get the info.
  • That worked. Thank you
  • How is the time determined for the revisions? The time states 12/23/2023 from 2:35am to 3:15 am but it is 12/22/2023 10:33pm right now. A few minutes ago it had the correct date but the time was in 24 hour time which I wanted to see if could be chan…
  • That worked. Thank you
  • The list was already in there with the checkboxes from a page import. Will a list fit right under the text that's already in there or will there be a gap? Also does betheme have any elements for a checklist type page?
  • Would the heading element replace the column box or would just the bigger text go in the heading element? I'm confused because the first column box has h in there and I thought that was the heading.
  • If I use the inline CSS, do I wipe out the text that is already in there and start over? There is other code in there that I'm not sure what it does. The second column text box has the section starting with "Are you ready for an exciting...&quo…
  • I didn't see any heading element for the 2nd column under Style. Do I put the CSS in the Text section of the column? Do I delete everything out and put in the custom CSS? Do you know of any guides for creating this?
  • Do I need to use CSS for the size of the text in the columns? The first column has H3 and H5 which is good but the second column doesn't have anything referencing the size of the text. If I need to use CSS how do I go about doing that? https://foru…
  • I removed the 10x and added color and then saw just that top section appear but not the header menus and logo. Then I used navigator and noticed 2 sections that had the menus and logos in them. One of the sections had desktop and laptop off so I ena…
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/244493#Comment_244493 I removed that last night. I'll look again.
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/244474#Comment_244474 I removed the 10x you mentioned. What else are you saying to adjust? When I'm not logged in and I scroll down, the header doesn't stay on top of the page.
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/244452#Comment_244452 The sticky menu is only working on mobile. It isn't working on desktop or laptop. In the Sticky section of the header builder I still can't see the header with the backgr…
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/244428#Comment_244428 Thank you. I'm not sure how that 10x height got on there as I never touched that part. It must have happened when I tried to roll back at the beginning of this. The rollb…