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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • hi, after some reserach i found information that the problem could have something to do with the following: if i click on the second or third tab, the javascript (which is working in the first tab) won't be loaded /activated. people mention that t…
  • thanks alot, youre just great!
    in Linked images Comment by nfv August 2015
  • http://bit.ly/1Ne3v03 The Button that says Download now has that grey/white box around it. And if you hover over it that link sign shows up. I want to get rid of both of those things but still leave the button clickable(linked to smth). many thank…
    in Linked images Comment by nfv August 2015
  • yes , i do. since this thread was about hiding the header but keeping the subheader, i thought that was clear to you. sorry if i didnt mention it precisely enough.
  • I checked that but even though "WMPL Languages FLags " is activated as "show / Dropdown" or "show / horizontal" it does not appear at the subheader
  • another question, now that i hided the header, i need another place for my wpml dropdown menu. wpml gives php code to freely add it anywhere. but where is the best place to add the code snippet to show the wpml logo at the right corner (besides the …
  • thanks alot guys, youre the best!
  • working great !! thanks alot
  • Hi, i want to change ALL Buttons so thats ok - http://bit.ly/1GnYrNM heres the site - i want to change the "Zum Shop" Buttons
  • Thanks for your reply! Can you tell me where to find the code regarding the default button ? I want to edit this class : <a class="button button_right button_js kill_the_icon" so that its background will change from grey to a new color…
  • Just tried it. If i change the position of my header inside the BeTheme Options, all changes are also visible and actice in front-end. Any changes done in "BeTheme Options - Colors - (and for example) Headings- will change if i push the save c…