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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/614/6JJCHQC2BQ9E.png Okay, thanks! I have now created a query loop and managed to add the images using the feature image. However, how do I add the arrows to make it function as a slider? And most import…
  • The worst part is that on the pages where the calendar is displayed, a pop-up appears asking if the user wants to go to TheEventCalendar page. This must be removed.
  • "Should I therefore create a separate pop-up for each artist, or is it not possible to create a template from which only the title, etc., and description can be extracted?" Translation and improvement: "So, should I create a separate…
  • Thank you. The pop-up does open, but it's now crucial that the correct image, accurate text (meaning the description), and the appropriate title are loaded. The title needs to be passed accordingly. How can I accomplish this, or could you make this …
  • Okay, I have just sent the user data via email through the form on the right side.
  • It's not possible what other option there is or where to insert the code
  • Thank you for reaching out. If you take a look at our website, sportwagenservice-schreiber.de, you'll notice that we have implemented a fixed background feature. This means that the background image remains static while the content scrolls over it. …
  • Thank you for pointing out the issue with the background-position. As you suggested, I have changed the setting from fixed. However, I am still facing difficulties in keeping the background stable. Could you please provide further instructions or re…
  • Okay, what other option do I have then on the iPhone even with iOS to have a permanent carbon background ? please for a quick solution
  • Hello thank you, but the problem is, if you set up a side menu you can not scroll as long as this is on, that menu is supposed to be the main menu, so only an extra header menu exists, which only displays the logo and remains at the top when scrolli…
  • Thank you very much. However, I want the background to be static so that it doesn't move when scrolling, but stays in place. Regarding the second question: The font should have a metal effect, so it looks as if it were made of stainless steel.
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/433/QI58VJXZGA4W.png
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/865/XOL7F00XPSZF.png
  • {   "wp-auth-check": true,   "server_time": 1690139619 }
  • This is the Dashboard, is its right ? https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/269/8K9BUSYHHYDI.png
  • I'm sry, but I think now I have take off the Soon enabled page. Sry otherwise are here Screenshoots. https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/915/H5XN8UQA5ITO.png https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/839/XQB2O975419J.png
  • The link ist https://caimans.de/pricing/ and https://caimans.de/schulhoodies/
  • I continued to try what I could until just now. I have now created a coustum header. So far it works fine, but the burger menu does not work. Furthermore, the FAQ module does not work. I ask for help. It is still the website RKBauklempnerei.de
  • I deleted all plugins except Betheme and deleted the chase. Funkioniert unfortunately immnoch I can not load headers above only on the page. Mobile unfortunately also still does not work 
  • Thank you, in the preview (edit mode) it worked. Soon also on the Richitgen variant. I still have a question about another page of mine. On the page rkbauklempnerei.de, I have Betheme geupdatet. After that, the header no longer works on top, only o…
  • https://e-bike-touren.hamburg/ Please help me with a custom CSS code. Best regards
  • Hello all,  I have the following problem. I just downloaded the beDoctor template and found that when I open the page on the iPhone, the menu does not work, it does not open. When I use it in elementor preview it works for mobile view. can anyone h…