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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • good afternoon, how r u? looks like i ve another issue now on betheme I clone a tile, I modify the newly cloned tile, and by doing so I modify the tile from which I cloned....can u please help me to see whatsApp once again??? another bug?? or any …
  • if u ask me to send to u a video but from this forum is impossible to send video, i set the video by email...otherwise was not possible to see my video :))) thank u
  • i can not send any video but i sent a video to ur collegue by emailllplease double check with him thank u
  • ok thank u Phil for ur understanding too u resolved this issue but as i was explain to ur colleague also by email i still have another issue that the theme run from mobile only: u are in the homepage and if click on "lunch dinner" -> &…
  • my meu does not work....the button they don towrk even in the footer that i was linked alreaty the side menu does not disappear once i click on the button..... please i need to go ahed and to develop the website and i need someone more responsive a…
  • come on it is not true....and it is not working yer....since 2 weekd i make the meu was working till yesterday and i did update betheme and it doesnt work anymore...and still impossible... it is not for the wrap...i did many website with betheme an…
  • i ve already talked also with sitegroud and they can not do nothing cause everything depends of your theme
  • since yesterday i did upgrade betheme have a loto of issues and i can not work aymopre...please try to fix these bugs as soon as possible thank u
  • the menu bottun or ay botton i put in the middle of the header does t work...:( https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/420/X0AQNACCSXYH.jpg
  • and by the way if i use this method the menu from desktop doent work anymore :(
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/122/1HB1FCIJ7K67.jpg Thank you for helping me and for resolving your bug. i think i ve another problem: i made a custom sidebar, sidebar visible or toggled works, so once a click the button the sidebar …
  • good morning, i ve sent an email to u already, let me know if u received thank u
  • sent the private mssage with username and pw and link let me know pls why onepage accordion does not work thank u so much in advance https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/584/5P2JBI6ONJBB.jpg
  • One Page option is ON but it doesn't work at all. and toggle or accordium do not work at all...can u please tell me what to do? thank u