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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • I did customize my page shop. In page shop was another page. Thanks for the answer!
  • 1) I bought templates BeTheme with integrated WooCommerce, for example: https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/118/0FFBYHQ3UTJ2.png But 3 month ago I created website kuksov.pp.ua without integrated WooCommerce. Now I add plugin WooCommerce an…
  • 1) Sorry but so easy cannot make. Can you enter to admin and make that good show product? I'm make backup and give you login and password with access administrator https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/413/MQLF1O2ZSMBP.png 2) Thanks! I'm h…
  • 1) Product bad show in the page shop/ https://kuksov.pp.ua/shop/ https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/239/G5X3K6BS6XSZ.png 2) https://kuksov.pp.ua/ Yes, please send me CSS code I need Share in Facebook, Instagram, TikTok Or all hide
  • 1) Many time need for customize products. I have maybe 10-15 product on site. Do you have Pre-built section for woocommerce? In this theme no was woocomerce and i install plugin and bad show products. 2) How hide some icon?
  • Very thanks about infinite scroll!!! One problem solved
  • Entire website. And What kind external plugin for checkbox could you advice? And How make so long page which loads as you scroll the page?
  • Thanks! For mobile version work. But broke menu categories in desktop version https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/533/VAOT6ML668H6.png
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/637/00MFBA1HSJMD.png I don't have this settings?
  • This problem resolved. Now I have new problem with website profi.kharkov.ua In desktop version menu "Категории товаров" work good. In mobile version not good. In start string "Категории стройматериалов" then need click and then a…
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/572/0VJBUIJKAAK1.jpg Error screenshot in this message
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/025/3Y8NWR6B3SMC.png
  • I did sticky. But have problems with menu in desktop https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/073/1ZVNKSO7RFOW.jpg
    in Logo Comment by sliderokk August 2023
  • In another browser, I can change logo. Thanks I did it. Thanks In the standard category menu, when you scroll down, categories appear at the top. https://themes.muffingroup.com/be/furniturestore2/ I do not have that. How to return? https://forum.muf…
    in Logo Comment by sliderokk August 2023
  • 3.My menu-categories got lost, how can I return it to work as in the default template in the mobile and desktop versions?
    in Logo Comment by sliderokk August 2023
  • A little later, if we don’t figure it out, I’ll give you access. 1. I still can't change the logo. But my partner with the same administrator rights can change the logo. Any suggestions why? 2. The site has a search, but it searches the entire site.…
    in Logo Comment by sliderokk August 2023
  • I couldn't change the logo through the theme options and changed the logo for the desktop version of the site through the Bebuilder editor. Then my colleague activated the Elementor plugin and now there is no possibility to change the website logo …
    in Logo Comment by sliderokk August 2023
  • I restored the backup. But I have problem. I couldn't change logo via Theme Option and i did it in Edit BeBuilder for desktop version. Then my college start use Elementor. Now in BeBuilder not options for change logo for mobile and tablet version. H…
    in Logo Comment by sliderokk August 2023
  • I have new problem. I made some settings and disappeared header and menu profi.kharkov.ua
    in Logo Comment by sliderokk August 2023
  • https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/comment/239695#Comment_239695 I did it. I'm change in BeBuilder.
    in Logo Comment by sliderokk July 2023
  • I thinked you see link in screenshot. https://profi.kharkov.ua/
    in Logo Comment by sliderokk July 2023