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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • for anyone else reading this looking to do the same thing, it sound like you would need to create a child theme using betheme and make your changes to the header.php there. However, any updates to betheme's header.php will not update if you are usin…
  • I found another way in case anyone else is searching for an answer to this. I took a wrap and put my item inside that with 1/2 width. then I added a 1/4th placeholder item on each side and it centered my wrap.
  • I realized that in my Theme Options/Muffin Group Settings it imported all of the images with http:// and the full site URL. It may make sense for the future to make them just point using a direct root link like "/wp-content/..." instead of…
  • I have the same problem and When I activate the 2016 Theme from Wordpress the SSL Shows up as fully secure. however, I see that some of the URLs are being served as HTTP instead of HTTPS like the favicon and a couple other things in the code. I have…
  • Can you link me to the page where your gallery is? Something may be conflicting with your scripts. Also, How are you adding the gallery to the page? Are you using the muffingroup or Visual Composer tools? Or are you just using the gallery shortcode …
  • If possible, I would also like to add Text under those so people know what they are right away. Is the best way to do this to find the file in the betheme folder, move it to the child theme im using and edit it there?
  • modus, what did you do for your solution? I'm having the same issue.