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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • Alright. Is is also safe to assume that you are doing no processing on this field at all? And I can stack scripts in here, as many as I want? ( within reason, of course, :) ) When you're that specific in your labels and helper text, the assumption …
  • Ok - Thank you. It does seem to work now the way I need it to for this task. But I still don't understand what ALL you did to fix it for me. The only settings I can find that it looks like you maybe did, are things I already tried. I tried this c…
  • Some more info... I can't seem to get any template to load on a post unless I force add it in the post. https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/067/F5AQSVSN738G.png This is the only thing that seems to work, which defeats the purpose of having…
  • Hi, I got a reply that your team had logged into my backend and fixed something but it didn't say what or how and I can detect zero changes that make what I wanted work. It's pretty simple, I think, but maybe I can try to be clearer. I have two Sing…
  • Sorry - we don't use wp-login - we use .com/access https://nicholass181.sg-host.com/access
  • Hi, I have sent the user info. I don't have any way of providing FTP access at the time. If that becomes a MUST, I'll get some help figuring that out. Everything works normally except for this, so I think it's something I have configured. Its just …
  • yeah, I was using a prebuilt section that was already built that way and only allowed for shortcode for the button, so I thought I was locked into using it. I don't know why I thought that. I'll just re-engineer it to use a standard button. Thanks!
  • Ok so its still a little foggy, but we're close. It seems like you are saying that the only place an "Export" goes when choosing this option is into a single slot, temporary cache-like place, similar to a clipboard (except the code isn't p…
  • I don’t follow. I’d like to understand but, how is that different than copy/duplicate? It would seem that if I just wanted to copy it and add it one section away then making a copy covers that. in any case I’m looking to export one section and ins…
  • Right. I understand. So there is really no way to create a “template” or rather a reusable layout for the post “content”. That’s what I’ve been looking for, and what I need. Thanks.
  • Oh yes, I also tried the inline shortcode for POPUP but on that instruction page here: https://muffingroup.com/betheme/elements/popup/ There are no instructions for adding the content of a popup like those shown. There are examples that fire on that…
  • Thank you for the information. What I'm saying is this. Let me try to describe what I am looking for. I want to create something. Maybe its a template, maybe its some other entity that I don't know. We can call it a "layout" for this cha…
  • Hi Team, Ok - on this topic I have a little more fog come up. Using my example above, I made a template and I ONLY used the official blog-post fields in my template. Let's say ALL of my posts are VIDEO embedded from Vimeo or Youtube posts... And I …
  • Right - yep - that's how I started but there is crazy margin or padding or something on both sides, and no fade, so it is not working for me. That's ok. This plugin I mentioned is working good for me. Thank you.
  • It seems maybe I didn't describe my need clearly or I don't follow. I tried Query loops already but while I'm sure they are very powerful, I don't see how to add images to them. I only see how to add images FROM POSTS or images FROM other taxonomies…
  • Oops - one more request. And to have them not slide, but fade instead. Maybe this is a better question. Can we use other plugins with BeTheme builder at all? Thanks
  • Sorry, Also that runs without navigation. Just animated like a carousel. This big, like the one pictured here https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/594/A5SQTHG5RWIN.png
  • I see, Thank you. Having access to the back end of that example you sent, as shown in your screenshots, would have made all the difference in understanding. Not having that made it hard to understand. So all the FIELDS that would show outside the Be…
  • Hi, So if I understand correctly, I can ONLY use these elements for the template if I want the content for them to change. https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/341/MWCYKOY7U6VU.png This is like a template used when populating from a databa…
  • Thank you, I watched this but it wasn't clear at all. I mean, it's a good video. Its just very fast and skips over a lot of things assuming we already know them. For example, previously I had been asked what I wanted to do with the sidebar every tim…
  • Except - no it didn't there is still this big green background that does not seem to be set anywhere. How do we CHOOSE the Sidebar that is showing. For example, I can't find any setting that instructs this sidebar to load on this page. Sidebars seem…
  • I turned off full width on the footer and that seems to have fixed it, though I don't think that ever should have happened. Maybe just a bug. :)
  • I am looking everywhere and the only thing I notice is that I no longer have any footer and the content I am seeing that is a mess seems maybe to be part of the footer?? https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/270/I08L36K53TQS.png
  • Great, Thank you I guess I don't understand, but I will keep going with this idea of using the custom sidebar template and see if I can make it work. Right now the site is a big mess and I don't quite understand why it is that way. https://forum.muf…
  • I'm sorry about that. I never turned that on. It must have come on from the hosting provider, Siteground. Some plugin they preinstall. I guess since I am the only login ever and set up the account, it skips it for me when I log in. I did find it an…
  • Oh no. Yes my fault. I’m sorry about that. it’s not wp-admin it’s “access”. I knew I’d forget something. ? What I meant about admin access wasn’t about it having admin privileges. It was that you just ask for “access”. You aren’t asking for A USER.…
  • Hi, So something has happened that I can't find a fix for and I have no explanation for. I was building a new sidebar using one of the videos above. Everything was going great. I put a bit of time into it, learning things. Then I saved it, and went …
  • Ah great! - that's perfect. Thanks!
  • Fantastic, That worked great. Thanks!
  • Hi - I watched the video. Very helpful. And I created a header this way and added the button and it works as you say. However, I am lost as to how to make this header only show when the screen is smaller than laptop. When I started I had side menu w…