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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • 1) See screenshot attached of the alignment issue that happens in laptop sizes 2) I'm using GTranslate by Translate AI Multilingual Solutions 3) Resolved – thank you for pointing that out. I see now. https://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/uploads/24…
  • That worked! I did have to add a Custom ID tag to the blog landing page for that to work but all is fixed now. Thanks so much for all of your help!
  • I don't have Responsive Options in any of my dialog boxes. I also don't know how this would apply to the individual posts since this is a global setting. Post pages are created to fit in the template and aren't individually styled like my other pag…
  • I think this will make it clearer/easier: https://www.loom.com/share/ee23c569fd5d4c1ba16c5552d0ff9b1e Thank you!
  • I am still not seeing any of the changes I am making in the Muffin Options. I will send a video via support email explaining.
  • Actually – although the transparent CSS worked, on my homepage I have a slider set up and my logo is not showing on mobile. It is showing on all other site pages, just not on the homepage over the slider.
  • Thank you!  Transparent header CSS from @gabrielrenaud worked perfectly. For the 2 sliders, I am using Visual Composer (WPBakery) so I am not following your instructions well. Do you have instructions for this set up using WPBakery?