How can i set BlogSlider and RelatedPost photos set to the max size of the element

How can i resize BlogSlider and RelatedPost photos set to the max size of the element so some of them don't look smaller and bigger when they are next to each other?? 
I need a code to resize the photo when images are smaller than the Blogslider or Related post fefault size


  • Hi,
    There are many types of featured images in the theme, here are instructions for changing them:
    1. To change the size of the images used in portfolio/blog/shop, please navigate to theme options>blog,portfolio&shop>featured image.
    2. To change the size of the default WordPress gallery images, please go to settings>media.
    3. To change the woocommerce images size please go to woocommerce>settings>products>display.

    Remember to use thumbnail regeneration after you make your changes. Otherwise, the images will not change their size.

  • Please have a look at the below link: 

    The pics are not sized the same. I want something that can resize them to the max so all the pics have the same size. 
  • Use the instructions that we have provided, if the original image is smaller then the dimmensions you set then it will not resize, make sure they are bigger.

    You can always make the images same size on your PC.
  • what is the smallest size for the pic to fill the whole thumbnail of RELATED POSTS or POST SLIDER?
  • There is no smallest size, it depends on the grid width and the layout.
    Best set it to 767px
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