Improvement suggestion on Updating theme


Overall I like the theme very much, it corresponds to my needs.

But I am a beginner level user (this is why I bought this theme, because the Add say it's easy to use etc). And it really is, except for one detail: the update has to be done using FTP. I don't know anything about it, so am I supposed to pay someone to update my theme every new update available, which means, almost every week?

The programmer that updated it for me last time said your documentation is very good, but it took him lots of time to update it because I had changed a few codes (such as space between lines and font size in posts. This is an improvement suggestion as well: to put line spacing options on the builder so we don't have to change it in the code. Or is it possible by adding a CSS?)

I will try to learn to update by my own, but even then, I will be considering changing theme for this one little detail, as it apparently will take lots of my time considering the amount of updates per month.

I would be very happy if in one of these updates you send one that solves this, and I know I'm not alone in this.

Thanks :) 


  • Hey,

    at first, there is no need to update theme very week. Updates are for those who request about the new features. But if you don't need them, then there is no need to update the theme. Also, you shouldn't modify any theme files. All changes can be done with css under Theme options > Custom CSS & JS > Custom CSS section. And also, you can update theme files via FTP yourself because it's very easy and takes just few seconds. All you need to do is log in into FTP server where theme files are (via Total Commander or FileZilla), and replace files on FTP with files from recent package. That's it. It usually takes up to 30 seconds.

    Thanks :)
  • This is how I do it .....

    1) swap betheme in themes with one already there, like WP 2015 or similar
    2) go into FTP and 'rename' betheme to bethemeOLD
    3) go back into dashboard and upload the latest betheme zip
    4) activate the newest betheme 
    5) delete the bethemeOLD  from your site via dashboard 

    if there is better way please tell me :) 
  • Yes, there is a better way, much faster and safer:

    1) Open FTP with the tool like FileZilla.
    2) Go to /wp-content/themes/ folder, remove current betheme files and upload the files from new package.

    That's it. Files are up to date in less than 1 minute.
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