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License key verification

We do not store any license keys, it is for verification purpose only if support expired

Where can I find my purchase code?


  • It looks like the sidebar isn't being cut off, as the text is wrapping correctly.  Check that the image isn't being set to a constant width/height, and if it is, try changing the width to 100% and the height to auto (or blank if it's set in a form)
  • This seems to be an error with your server and wordpress overall rather than this theme. The first issue is that the wordpress index.php file shouldn't be calling sort for any reason that I know of (it might use sort for a multisite install, but I'v…
  • You're almost there! I took a look and it doesn't show that you added the CSS I posted above; paste it at the bottom of your BeTheme>>Theme Options>>Custom CSS section If it's not working after you do that and save, you may want to put !…
  • It was definitely something going on with my local environment. I was able to switch the theme over to a hosted site and get the plugin files, then switch everything back to my local site.
  • Check that "Layout" in BeTheme>>Theme Options>>Footer is set to 1/1. If it already is, there may be multiple items in the footer widget in Appearance>>Widgets
  • In your footer there are two columns; not sure if you're doing anything with the second column, but if you make that footer section into one column, then make a small change to the css, you can get it to center properly: #footerccr{ text-align:cen…