Can't change the box width

edited April 2016 in BeBuilder

I have some hopefully easy questions.
Here is the Link for the site:

1. If I change the layout to full width or if I change the grid width e.g. to 1280px nothing happen ... How can I fix this issue?

2. I can create a sidebar in betheme options and then add widgets to it and select this sidebar in layout options on the specific page. Unfortunately the sidebar is always empty and do not contain selected widgets. I tried this on other new layouts and it works fine. What do I wrong with these layout?

3. If I have a boxed layot is it possible to insert on the right side (outside the main box) a banner?

4. Is there anny possibility to make an anchor link between the tabs on?

5. Is it possible to use items like tabs, infoboxes or accordion in the sidebar?


  • I reinstalled the theme and 2 is now fixed. But 1 is still not working...
  • After I deinstalled w3 total cach 1. is workin just fine ;)
  • Hi,

    glad to hear that you sorted 1st and 2nd point. We are going to answer on rest of your questions:

    3. No, this is not possible unfortunately.
    4. Sorry, but this can not be done.
    5. We did never tested those items in sidebar but you can try to use those items as shortcodes inside Text item in sidebar and see if this would work as you wish.
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