To much space in the header - under the logo - on mobile website
Dear Support-Team,
I need your help.
The new website is finished and when I check the site on iphone or other smartphones and tablets
there is much to much space in the header area.
On pc or laptop / notebook it´s perfect. But on mobile devices I have this white area under the logo
and the red bar. It should be like the pc-version. The red bar near the logo.
Here is the screenshot of the problem:
Here the screenshot how it should be on mobile:
Please, I need your help very urgent!
Thank´s a lot for your help!
Best regards
Alex Grätzner
I need your help.
The new website is finished and when I check the site on iphone or other smartphones and tablets
there is much to much space in the header area.
On pc or laptop / notebook it´s perfect. But on mobile devices I have this white area under the logo
and the red bar. It should be like the pc-version. The red bar near the logo.
Here is the screenshot of the problem:
Here the screenshot how it should be on mobile:
Please, I need your help very urgent!
Thank´s a lot for your help!
Best regards
Alex Grätzner
I have tried so many hours now. Have read so-so many messages about this problem. but i get it not fixed. Now I have the same problem on basic is the pc or notebook design. it should look on mobile like the notebook layout. Whitout the borders and space UNDER the header. I need your help please. thanks a lot!!
Best regards
Alex Grätzner
this is because you have set the page title in white color and you cannot see it with the white background. See here:
Thank you very much for your help!
But how can I delete this title? It´s the name of the page?!?!
Can´t delete the name of the page!
Please give me a message what to do!
I dont know where I can delete the title!?
Thanks a lot!!
Thank you very much for your help!
There is no such panel with "Page Title" - see screenshot:
Have the second site from this client and in this panel is this box
with "Page Title" to see. I did it like you said, but nothing fixed the problem.
Look at the second website: (this site is with the "Page Title" box) (is without the "Page Title" box)
On is now a red line to see. But it should be a red bar
like the Notebook / PC Design. Please take a look.
There should be a red bar under the logo and a small white space.
On smartphone is now a small red line and a very big white space.
Please, I need your help so urgent.
10000 Thanks four your work and help to fix this problem.
Kindly regards.
Hope it works. Where can I find the Update?
Thanks for your help!!
best regards
Alex has the latest Update
WITH this box inkluding.
But nothing has changed on smartphon. Alwas the big white space
under the logo und a small red line. It should be a red
bar like the notebook version.
Thank you for your help!
Best regards
Please disable also the breadrumbs like you did the title.
And use this custom css
thank you 1000-times.
It could be perfect, but the red bar is now missing.
The big white space is gone.
The problems on are nearly fix.
Only the red bar is missing on both websites ...?!
Thank you once again for your help and work!
What can we do for the problem with the misssing red bar?
best regards
Problem in the action bar on top of the site. And how I said in the message before -
the red bar is missing on smartphone.
Thanks a lot for your perfect help!
kindly regards
Here is the css code in
Subheader settings
But in the top is the problem in the actionbar - notebook / pc!
its not in the middle. You can see it here.
Thank you once again for your support!!!
best regards