Remove Magnifying Glass from Portfolio Overlay

Hi Guys - perfect theme - best on TF by far.
Just one thing - how do I remove the Magnifying Glass from the Portfolio page?
The orange overlay that appears when you mouse over a portfolio item?
Thanks for your help!


  • Hi,

    we are not sure what you mean exactly so we`ll give you solution to remove 2 different things:

    1. Below css is to remove magnifying glass from portfolio image:
    1. .image_frame .image_wrapper .mask:after { display: none !important; }
    2. Below css is to remove orange stripe with 3 different links:
    1. .image_frame .image_wrapper .image_links { display: none; }
    We think the 1st solution will be fine but in case we gave you 2nd as well because you asked first about magnifying glass and then about orange overlay so we were confused :)
  • Hi Guys, second one worked like a charm - first one did not appear to do anything.
    Thanks heaps for your help - awesome support!
  • Is it possible to remove the link to the single portfolio item ?
    i would like the image not to be clikable
  • You're welcome @elliscreative ;)

    @noemiechepaki This is possible like nearly everything but needs modifications in files. For that you need to modify functions/theme-functions.php file. Find and comment or remove below code:
    1. $link_after .= '<a href="'. get_permalink() .'" class="link"><i class="icon-link"></i></a>';
    and also do the same with below lines:
    1. $link_before = '<a href="'. get_permalink() .'">';
    1. $link_after = '</a>';
    This should help you a lot ;)
  • Hi Guys,

    Thanks for the help - is it possible to have the magnifying glass icon link to the images within the specific portfolio, rather than show the main images from the rest of the portfolio items.

    For example, can it show the images within each portfolio item, rather than the other portfolio items.
  • You can do it using below css in Theme options > Layout > Custom CSS section:
    1. .image_frame .image_wrapper .image_links.triple a.zoom { display: none; }
      .image_frame .image_wrapper .image_links.triple a.external { width: 50%; }
      .image_frame .image_wrapper .image_links.triple { width: 50%; }
  • You guys are amazing - thanks so much!!!
  • I have a related question.

    I have managed to remove the semi-transparent highlight from the gallery/portfolio images. 
    I have also removed the external link button as you suggested above.

    My additional question is:
    Can I make the 'Gallery 16' (see attached image) text open the image in the lightbox(zoom) instead of it looking for the html page related to the image?
    I would also like to be able to do this when I click the image too.


    So basically, I'd like all clicks on this gallery item to do the same as when I click the magnifying glass.

    I have hunted through so much coding today to try and do this myself but I have had no luck.

    Thanks in advance.
  • @Advancedmodular As we see this is portfolio item. And if you want to do that, please go to includes/content-portfolio.php file and replace below line:
    1. $output .= '<h5><a href="'. get_permalink() .'">'. get_the_title() .'</a></h5>';
    1. $large_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'large' );
      $output .= '<h5><a href="'. $large_image_url[0] .'" rel="prettyphoto[portfolio]" class="zoom">'. get_the_title() .'</a></h5>';
  • That worked perfectly thanks. I'd like to be able to click the image and do the same but I'm not sure which <a href to modify.

    Can I use the same code to call the anchor name?

  • For image you need to replace below line:
    1. $output .= mfn_post_thumbnail( get_the_ID(), 'portfolio', $style );
    1. $large_image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id(), 'large' );
      $output .= '<a href="'. $large_image_url[0] .'" rel="prettyphoto[portfolio]">'.get_the_post_thumbnail( get_the_ID(), 'blog', array( 'class' => 'scale-with-grid' ) ).'</a>';
  • Thanks again. It works for the clicking of the image, but the lightbox now contains 36 images instead of 18. The array seems to have added each image twice. Any ideas?
  • You must did something wrong because we already checked it on our demo and all works fine. The problem must be on your side only.
  • Okay. I'll take another look. Thanks guys. ;)
  • If I modify functions/theme-functions.php like you advised, what will happen when I upgrade the core theme?
  • @megashape Of course everything will be re-stored to default. This is how update works.
  • Hi,

    Please help me. 

    When I click on title of the picture can I open a popup with custom html? or make it work like a toggle control see more content without popup in same page?

  • Can you provide me any step to remove page link and make it popup shortcode link
  • Can you provide me any steps to remove page link and make it popup with custom html using shortcode method you have mentioning. Please help its urgent
  • I do not understand, the link I have send you contains a shortcode you can use. The popup can be only a link
  • edited April 2017
    First I am really very sorry and I request you humbly to you to help me I am new to coding and I need your assistance. 

    My idea is to use Portfolio widget which gives us ability to show us list of pictures with single project page. To do this we create some category first and list items and assign those category each of the list items now if we publish we see filters options and the list of Images with Title and when I click on the title it take me to its respective page link. 

    Now I want to modify this widget by changing little bit of interaction.

    When I click on Title of the image Instead of single project page link I want it to open a popup to show that content.

    When I asked about this to you guys you said I can use shortcode for popup. If this is true since I am new to coding can you assist me in telling me how I can modify the widget page link code to popup code and one more important thing where I seek your help. Since I was use single project page for creating the content now when I change the page link to popup where do I compose my popup content? 

    I am sorry to creating so much confusion but I hope my above description helps you understand my situation. Please help. 
  • @uxcompanies What you ask for, requires files customization what in reference to Item Support Policy is not allowed. So if you want to modify files and don't know how, you should contact with your web developer. The policy says:

    Item support does not include services to modify or extend the item beyond the original features, style and functionality described on the item page. For customization services that will help you tailor the item to your specific requirements, we recommend contacting the author to see if they privately offer paid customisation services or checking out the great service providers on Envato Studio.

    So we are sorry but we can not do any exceptions and we need to follow the same policy as the rest of community. If you want a popup in a widget area just add a text widget and insert a popup item. That is all you can do using included features.
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