Header/Footer [layouts configurator]
I am building a site using your BeTheme for a company that has 5 different sites. Is there a way to change the header logo/menu along with the footer per page so that I can have 5 different headers for each company? Each company page needs to have it's own header and footer but I don't want to have to make a whole new site just because I can't change the header and footer for a specific page.
yes, you can create 5 different headers with logos and menus but it is not possible to create different footers. Probably you must turn off footers on pages and use muffin builder instead. To create different headers, please go to "Layouts" section which is in main wp dashboard on the left side and create 5 different layouts. After that while page editing/creating, in "Page options" section you can choose which layout header you want to show.
Hope this will help you a lot
Do you mean this image?
Sorry but we do not offer such option for posts, you can only do that for pages.
The regular top nav menu has a "Home" button, but we want to remove that button on the actual home page.
I am also trying to style the menu colors differently on the home page.
Thank you!
The colors change will be not possible.
Menu can be changed for each page individually in the page options. Screen: http://prntscr.com/h57imn