PageSpeed - not serving scaled images

Hi there, using BE Theme and my PageSpeed score is in the red!  All is ok except an issue with the fact that the theme is not serving scaled images - i.e. images are scaled in the CSS - large images fetched and then being reduced in size via CSS.

"The following images are resized in HTML or CSS. Serving scaled images could save 1.7MiB (94% reduction)."

How can I get the theme to fix this?


  • Hi,
    Sorry but some of our items do not have this options, just add smaller images to them.
  • Adding smaller images is not a solution for 2 reasons :

    1. Image on Blog  has to be a size and serve scaled images warning showing for thumbnails. For Eg : suggested reading items shown by theme at the bottom of post.  Cant add thumbnail size images on the blog post.

    2. Some places , if we reduce image size, theme further reduces in CSS by the same ration
  • Only adding smaller images to some items makes sense, the blog is handling many sizes of images.
    Css is only resizing the image in the browser, the original image has the same size.
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