Transparent header issues


I've got some issue.

I use transparent header and I set revolution slider so it works as header background.
On tablet/mobile devices there are some issue as page content goes behind the slider and also navigation bar floats in the middle of slider covering it.

Website url: 

Please find some screenshots attached:

Could you please point me in some directions what might be wrong?

Thank you. 


  • Hi,
    this is because you have modified the action bar. We cannot help you with this since the problems are caused by your code.
  • Hi,

    ok so I removed css which caused some issues, all other custom css has been tested and isn't causing any issues but still on some pages like this one:

    we have issue that depending on screen resolution subheader goes behind navigation bar and isn't readable while it should stay below it. 

  • This will not work. First you placed the custom action bar which turned out to be a slider. The top_bar with the menu is on absolute position and moved bottom 80px. In this case it takes up no space and the subheader get under it. You could add padding but then it would get very large when the window gets smaller.
    You can add the padding in theme options>header&subheader>subheader
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