Your suggestions for future updates!!!



  • edited September 2017
    Email Encoding.

    I would like to protect/encode my email address (or telephone-number) in a button/link (e.g. using it on a Icon Box or something similar) so that mail-to links / the site-code does not contain my email-address in plain text. There are wordpress plugins like email encoder or email encoding bundle which should take care of this (encoding the address in HEX instead of plain text), but it seems that they do not affect the shortcodes of BeTheme.

    The idea behind this is to make it hard(er) for email harvesting bots/crawlers to pick up the adress. Personal data protection is a huge thing these days! You don't want your business e--mail adress or telephone number to show up in shady mailing-lists just because a bot picked it up in plain text (without your permission of course). 

    Thanks for considering it! 
  • I have a suggestion for the image gallery. I realised that if I wanted to add images to an existing image gallery, I would need to choose all the old images plus the new ones. This is tricky when I have a LOT of images in my gallery. 

    It would be nice if the existing image gallery would have an option to ADD images. If I try to edit the image gallery, currently it allows me to pick "Browse" (-> Removes the current images and replaces them with whatever I choose) or "Remove all images" (-> Just removes the current images). 
  • Page and Navigation item Color for Website so i can use dificult colors per Item so in Menü item - background red and in The Page background red so many flexible Page in one Webseite
  • i would suggest add some new header design
    also add place on action bar to add address
    put a logo carousel slider
    make testimonial slider better
    and make portfolio better

  • Please, fix this bug with image gallery. I have also problem with that:

    "I have a suggestion for the image gallery. I realised that if I wanted to add images to an existing image gallery, I would need to choose all the old images plus the new ones. This is tricky when I have a LOT of images in my gallery. 

    It would be nice if the existing image gallery would have an option to ADD images. If I try to edit the image gallery, currently it allows me to pick "Browse" (-> Removes the current images and replaces them with whatever I choose) or "Remove all images" (-> Just removes the current images)." 
  • @KatarinaO
    We are currently fixing this bug and this will be resolved in the upcoming firday update.
  • Please start creating more support videos, show us how to create the php files and other stuff we need to help ourselves.  Also, the please lose the attitude when answering support pages.  These are not OUR problems in most cases, they are yours.  Emotions are support are a most important part of the sale.  That said, also create a search option on the splash page so when I tell clients to view demos a, b an c, they can find them easier.  Lastly, the update process should be more automatic.
  • We have a lot of video tutorials online:
    For the phpinfo file we always provide a tutorial, even a video one.
    For your information, most of the problems on this forum are not related to the theme at all, they are mostly cheap hosting issues, third party plugins or custom code. 
    if you want to search something just press Ctrl+F or Cmd+f and search your term.
    Lastly, the updates are available from the wordpress dashboard, and they are one-click, you have to update to version 20.0+ to have it.
  • Could I suggest we get a way to update image URLs in the content. I realise that BeTheme saves the whole content in plain text and therefore any changes to the URL of the wordpress installation, for example after migrating to a different domain or just changing from http to https, we always have to do a SQL search and replace for all the images in the content.

    So there should be a "update image URLs" function to globally update all images to use the new domain from Wordpress settings. Everything works fine and builds the links from the Wordpress URL, except all images from BeTheme content.

    Thanks for considering.
  • It would be amazing if you guys:
    1.  improve the theme for the site speed
    2. create a clean knowledge base option
    3. improve design of mega menu
    thank you so much for your amazing work!
  • In the post detail display tags separate of the categories, it would be perfect if display categories in the top the post and tags in the bottom the post.
  • edited October 2017
    1. Set option to show category at blog-slider.
    2. Mobile menu auto hide on scroll down and show when scroll up.
    3. Simple style for timeline-blog.
  • edited October 2017
    ACTION BAR - The action bar is becoming increasingly important. I suggest:
    • Have more design options
    • Control where the phone number can be placed
    • Perhaps allow 2 rows of content (many customers need links to external customer portals, login pages, etc)
    • Maybe allow a flash news sections, etc. 
    The area above the menu is very important. Especially the top right hand side. 
  • minify script.js, takes too long to load in edit page section
  • Custom icons, maybe option to import icons packages from icomoon?
  • I find it a shame to know that you have a weak and limited builder and lean against VISUAL COMPOSER, that we all know there is no better builder to date in the WORLD WORDPRESS. A real cheat use the name VISUAL COMPOSER and not have a single DEMO built for VISUAL COMPOSER. We know that you will not leave MUFFING BUILDER because of many customers, but you should have respect and create the IDENTICAL MODELS for VISUAL COMPOSER. I have already complained to WP BAKERY asking them to have the Rigid Rules for distributing VISUAL COMPOSER, but I doubt they will take any action. I see people asking to allow merging VISUAL COMPOSER sessions with MUFFING. I find it difficult, it could bring many problems, because VISUAL COMPOSER is a BUILDER that works on the WORDPRESS NATIVE VISUAL EDITOR and MUFFIN does not do that. On the other hand, it would be a step to discontinue MUFFIN.
  • Would love to have a image thumbnail in the editor instead of having to click each image box to see replace the camera icon with thumbnail.
  • I would like to see an animated bar chart that loads when you scroll down, like the progress bar you have, but with an actual bar charts so i can visualize my data.
  • Responsive text settings

    Right now, there's only a basic on/off switch in Muffin Options that makes text responsive. However, minimum font-size, line-height and multiplier values are hard-coded and don't work well with every font and design combination. Default values make text very small and hardly readable from comfortable distance when holding phone in hand.

    This could be easily tweakable by users if $min_size, $min_line and $multiplier were generated based on user input in Options Framework, reverting to defaults when necessary.

    Easy to add, very powerful feature.

    This post is an idea from this thread:
  • Is there or can someone look at a solution to display blog post titles within the mega menu that update dynamically?
    (For desktop and mobile)

    urgently need...
  • edited January 2018
    Rory, here. First, I *really* enjoy the Betheme theme; thank you!
    [Edited] - I removed my items, because they aren’t relevant.
  • Please add button to Update the page (like Visual Composer). Its really annoying to scroll up to Update the page every time.

  • Hi, first I wanna say thank you for the hard work that obviously lies in this theme!

    A suggestion of improvement could be:

    - A way of setting a background for the Menu bar, especially in the "Creative Always Open" header option. The Craft Beer prebuilt site has a neat image in the menu, and it would be nice if it was easy to add and style an image for the creative menu :)
  • Hello, it would be great if you consider following changes:
    - Add the secondary menu element to Muffin builder with "sticky" option. It would be fantastic feature for more advanced pages.
    - Change of the "tabs" element in the Muffin Builder, which enables to edit the content using the WYSWIG editor.
    - Add translation support in Muffin Builder elements search. Now there is no option to search using visible names of elements. Only english names are supported. 
    - Add sticky menu with Update button to the Muffin Builder (same as in Visual Composer). It's very annoying to scroll up to Update the page top every time.
    - Add the option to change the names "Portfolio" and "Offer" in BeTheme Options panel

    The theme is wonderful! Big thanks :-)
  • To have a more customizable mega menu like with the ability to add forms, maps, images, ect.
  • edited January 2018
    On blog post overview layouts (i.e grid, classic etc) can the option to display the Author image (when setup in their profile) with the ability to select/display different authors for each post. Not just Gravatar images but from plugins like WP User Avatar for instance.

  • Can you make an Instgram Circled icon please!
  • I definitely agree with a better testimonial widget and the mega menu PowerPlay1989 talked about.
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