Where can I find the plugin "js_composer.zip" in my license?

Excuse me I can't find the plugin "js_composer.zip" in the Regular license, where can I find it?


  • From version 20.0 you can update the theme from the dashboard of your wordpress, in the betheme tab. Just register the licnese and you can update the theme, install newest plugins and import pre-built websites with sliders. We are not including rev-sliders and plugin updates in the theme package.
  • Hi, how do we  update WPBakery Visual Composer plugin then? I have found older threads with some instructions, but those seem to be not relevant anymore, as I also can't find the "js_composer.zip" anywhere.

    Can you please advise on how to update the plugin?

  • Hi, I get it now. It all can be done via the theme dashboard within WordPress.

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