Open contact form in popup, lightbox, etc on click image


we need to open a contact form on product round image ( see here: )

Can u help us pls?

Thanks in advance!


  • HI,
    but when we enter your website there is a contact form on a popup when you click the rounded images.
  • Hi, 

    yes but it works only if we put code [contact-form-7 id="66" title="Calendare de perete"] from contact form in Footer > Extras > Popup Contact Form | Shortcode

    and, on image we used:
    [image src="/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Calendare-de-perete-cu-copii-v5.png" width="520px" height="520px" align="center" border="0" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" link="" link_image="#wpcf7-f21-o1" target="" animate="" hover="disable"]

    If we take out the code from "Footer > Extras > Popup Contact Form | Shortcode" don't work and we have this message "Content not found" see image

    Thanks in advance.

  • This is because you are linking to #wpcf7-f21-o1 which is in the CODE on the website and can be accessed. When you remove it from the footer then it is removed from the code and cannot be found.

    What you can do is this:

    <a href="#myID" class="prettyphoto" ><img src="link to image" /></a>

    <div id="myID" style="display:none">INSERT CONTATCT FORM SHORTCODE</div>
  • Hi!

    Well, looks like very good.
    Thank u very much.
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