Changing menu height Split menu
thanks a lot for your great template! Awesome work! I have a small question. I'm using the split menu as header. I need to display a larger logo in the center (height 110px). What do I need to change in the css to accomplish this while remaining the correct placement of the navigation labels (I tried changing the height of: .header-split #Header .top_bar_left, .header-split #Header .top_bar_right { height: 140px;} but then the scrolling of the page and placement of navigation labels is out of sync ( Hope you can help me out.
Thanks a lot!
we recommend to install theme on fresh wordpress/database because your website currently completely does not work.
2. About background, this is unfortunately how those options works. iDevices does not work well with those options and this can't be changed. That's why we made "Responsive visibility" option for sections and when you don't like something in mobile devices, then you can just hide it and create something else instead.