Highlight Section background

Hi how i can change the "Highlight Section background Color" in every page, i can do in CSS?


  • Hi,

    do you have any example of what you mean? Because we are not sure what you exactly ask for.
  • i want to use in Page Options on a Section, "Style" Predefined styles for section : Highlight Right 

    i want to change the color in Custom CSS: .highlight-right { background-color: #de0a7a;} but dont work

    Please help
  • Ok, we get it now :) So if you want to change color on right side, then please use below css:
    .highlight-left:after, .highlight-right:after { background: #000 !important; }
    but color on other side, comes from "Background color" field from Section.
  • edited November 2016

    I used you code for a website, but it doesnt work on the mobile version.
    It there any solution?
  • What exactly does not work on mobile? As we can see, pages looks the same on desktop as on mobile.
  • edited November 2016
    the colors. I used a different background color on each manu site. on the mobile Version there is only one color. the main color.

    I used your code:
    .highlight-left:after, .highlight-right:after { background: #000 !important; }

    To change the color on the different sites, but this doesnt work on mobile.
  • Above css is for desktop version only. If you want to change it for mobile as well, you need to use the following css as well:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
     .highlight-left .wrap:first-child,
     .highlight-right .wrap:last-child {
      background: #2991d6;
    And also, you must transform it to 2 wraps, instead of one. Just like on the following screenshot http://pasteboard.co/1ElcueIC.png
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