Woocommerce Product Image Size

Hey guys,

with the new Update I'm not able to change the settings for product image under woocommerce->product->display.

I know that it is now at the customizer, but it doesn't work. When I change the main image size it only changes one image.
http://prntscr.com/ilrisu (the first image)

and the second image won't be cut... --> http://prntscr.com/ilrjj6

I have also installed Force Regenerate Thumbnails but they say since the update it is not necessary any more.

Furthermore I have a this report the whole time. http://prntscr.com/ilrkjf
Since 3 days..but I have only a few images.
In englisch it means
"The regeneration of thumbnails runs in the background. 
Depending on the number of images in your shop, this may take a while."

Please help


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