Social Media on Widget Footer Area
Hi there, can you please advice how did you do to add the social media list on this footer's demo?
I'm looking at the widget footer area where it says: "Find us here". I thought there would be a social media widget but haven't found the way to implement this on my site. Thanks!
those are icons added in the HTML widget.
They look better with the style simple selected.
You can change the size like this:
<i class="icon-facebook" style="color: #A10604 !important; font-size:20px;" link="#" target="" size="large"></i>
Also remember that the <i> tags needs to be closed with </i>
<i class="icon-facebook" style="color: #A10604 !important; font-size:20px;" link="" target="_blank" size="large"></i>
<i class="icon-instagram" style="color: #A10604 !important; font-size:20px;" link="" target="_blank" size="large"></i>
Second thing is that you cannot link any HTML element you want, you have to use <a> tags.
So it should be like this:
<a href="">
<i class="icon-facebook" style="color: #A10604 !important; font-size:20px;" target="_blank" size="large"></i>