Add transparency to a background image of a section


This is a paralax theme and I would like to adda some transparency where two sections connect.

I've tried saving as a .png with transparency, and added a "clear" background colour on Muffin Builder, but I cannot make this work. 
Please check image

Best regards,


  • HI,
    this will not work like this. You need to add this image as bottom decoration for the section above and then continue with the lower section.
  • Hello, 

    I just got the theme so I'm a newbie.
    I just wanted to show you a .gif of what's happening, just in case I didn't make myself clear, because I'm trying to do what you suggested with no success.

    I would like the white part of the "rocks" which is now on the lower section to be transparent so that there is no line visible when the lower section overlaps the upper. 

    Again, I apologise if I'm repeating myself.


  • The image in the first section (is is a boat?) will not go under the second section. So it does not matter what you pase there. Try pasing the png image in the same section using an image item.
  • Thank you! That is starting to look as it should. 
    One last Q. 

    Is it possible to extend the image to the sides of the screen as shown here?

  • You have to edit the section and set the style 'full-width', this is the only way.
    Instead of the image, try editing the section and setting this image as 'decoration-bottom'
    and add more padding -bottom for this section.
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