Equal height of contact boxes

i have three contact boxes next to each other in a wrap, but I want them to have the same height.
It didn't work with "equal height of items in wrap" and also not with "equal height of wraps".
How can I solve this problem?
You can find it under the heading "agents" here: http://new.caaint.com/contact/



  • HI,
    The proper option to select is  "equal height of items in wrap", remember that those 2 boxes need to be in the same wrap for this to work.
  • Those three boxes (Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia) are all in the same wrap. I selected "equal height of items in wrap" in the section options, but like I said before, unfortunately it's not working.
    I coudn't figure out the reason so far.
  • I see what is happening, the items are actually the same height, but the background does not extend thus giving an illusion of them not being equal in height. Try adding this css
    .column_contact_box {
    background: #5bb249 !important;
  • it worked! Thank you very much!
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